What Controls the Shutter Interval, GPS or Timed?

Does Pix4D Capture trigger the camera shutter based on a timed interval (calculated by drone speed and frontlap) or does it trigger the camera based on distance traveled using the GPS?

Hello Jeff,

Pix4Dcapture supports multiple triggering types.
It depends on the drone model and on the platform (iOS or Android).

I would think in all cases Pix4D Capture knows the parameter of the camera selected by the user or manually entred and through API knows the flight speed of the drone, so it is very curious to me the trigger type would not be consistent amongst drones and operating systems.

The reason I ask is on another pilot application, it uses GPS positioning, however GPS positioning (without RTK) is inaccurate and even the GPS error may not be consistent throughout the flight. This ends up with very inconsistent actual front lap on say missions running at 90% front lap (usually to account for objects such as buildings be closer to the camera than the ground). The GPS positioning isn’t precise enough to accurately achieve the desired front lap consistently.

I work with multiple drones and operating systems. I woud be interested in how Pix4D Capture handles triggering on DJI drones (specifically Phantom 4 Pro, Mavic 2 Pro) on both Android and iOS operating systems.


The app will calculate the mission lines based on the camera parameters and the desired height. After that, the images are triggered based on the timelapse.