Warning message w0024

I am currently in the process of learning to use Pix4D and I am having issues with a sample project. (This one here) I have been following the instructions and inputting all the data it asks for. Yet, when I import the GCPs I get an warning message (Warning w0024) saying that one or more GCPs lie far outside the the area covered by the images.

I have checked and double checked the GCP Coordinate system and it is exactly what the sample directions say it should be.

I have run one other project a partner gave me and it worked fine (Apart from the initial GCP circles being 100m above the ground due to the drone elevation) so I have no idea why I am suddenly getting this warning message.

Dear Scott,

Could it be that the latitude and longitude (or X and Y) have been inverted? Are the coordinates you are entering in Latitude, Longitude or in the project coordinate system? The quarry is located here


You can check that the coordinates you are entering do indeed lie here. 

Best regards,

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