Vertical Exaggeration for 3D Printing

We are looking to 3D print a landscape that is 1000m wide but only 100m high. When scaled and printed 50cm across, that makes the model only 5cm high and the relief barely perceptible. What would be the best software to exaggerate (not extrude) the relief for 3D printing?

Hey Raymond, 

Pix4D software can generate a 3D Textured Mesh which can be exported in the following formats: .ply, .fbx, .dxf, .obj, .pdf. and then be imported in other software coming with a 3D printer.

Indeed scaling might be an issue that is usually done in an external software. 

You might find more useful information in these links about how to 3D Print:

And here the full procedure on how to prepare the 3D Textured Mesh in Pix4D software. 


Best Regards,