TIN Error

Hello everyone,

I am attempting to troubleshoot an issue I have been having when creating a TIN file on some of my projects. After I have classified the terrain using the Terrain Filter, and have gone through verifying the areas i want to have incorporated in the TIN file, I create the Grid of Points at a 0.5m spacing. I generally from here will run a smart TIN with terrain breaklines turned on. Some of my sites however, have large tree’d areas that I normally remove and proceed, almost all of them though have water retention ponds that I also clear from inconsistencies in the points and generally trace around the waters edge removing everything from the center. The problem I am running into though, in these areas where I have removed no-terrain points I generally get a large flat surface across connecting two areas together. One of my sites is separated by a Large forested valley area through the center and 5 ponds around the site, when a TIN is generated all become flat surfaces.

Is there any way to tell Survey to leave these areas out when generating a surface?

I have attached 2 images showing what I mean.