I am looking to utilize pix4dsurvey features on my own DEMs. Cannot seem to find the proper work flow or format to import these files.
I figured as the only place a see an option to import a .tif was in matic.
Hi @shildebrand
Welcome to Pix4D Community!
Cannot seem to find the proper work flow or format to import these files.
It is not possible to import a TIF as input on PIX4Dsurvey. But if you have the point cloud generated on PIX4Dmatic, PIX4Dmapper, or any other third-party software, you can import it on PIX4Dsurvey and generate a TIN. In the latest version of PIX4Dsurvey, you can even export the TIN as GeoTIFF.
For more information, please refer to:
I hope this information helps you.
have a very nice day!
best regards
That’s why the question is in matic. I have DEMS I understand survey cannot accept DEMS but matic shows tif as an accepted format so I assumed getting a tif into matic would be the only option to end up in survey.
Hi @shildebrand ,
Is the DEM that you want to import a different time period of the same site so that you can do a volume comparison? Or do you have a different use case in mind?
I have many cases in mind ranging from volume comparison to utilizing the features such as feature classifications and smart edge tin surface creation. I have hundreds of DEMs on my local server that I use daily for planning design and analysis. having these features available for all of my DEMs would be invaluable to me.