Stockpile calculation after removing trees

Can you help me out with the steps to follow in order to calculate the volume by removing trees that are in the way of stockpiles. I followed the following steps and nothing happened. Point out if theres something wrong.

  1. Initial processing and point cloud and mesh formulated
  2. In the “ray cloud” activate point clouds and “edit densified cloud editor” was used properly and assigned to a new point cloud.
  3. DSM orthomodaic and index process
    Then what to do ? Exactly, the tutorial do not mention what to do.
    One video showed I have to follow the below after deselcting the point cloud in the "ray cloud " point groups
    Process – rematch and optimize

Here you can find the steps:

  1. Process steps 1. Initial Processing and step 2. Point Cloud and Mesh .
  2. Edit the point cloud to delete the points of the object, following: How to edit the point cloud in the rayCloud.
  3. Process step 3. DSM and Orthomosaic to generate the DSM.
  4. Click View > Volumes to access the Volumes view.
  5. Draw a volume, following How to draw a Volume and click Compute to compute it.

You do not need to Rematch and Optimize. After editing the point cloud, you need to generate again the DSM and orthomosaic (the 3rd step of processing) and then draw your new volume. If this does not work for you, please send us some screenshots of what you see in the rayCloud before and after editing the point cloud and when you draw your valumes.

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Yes thank you for your support, it went okay after the 15th time I processed it. I have no idea what I did wrong earlier.

I am glad to hear it worked :slight_smile:

Hi Christina.

Good afternoon.

We obtained both phantom 4 RTK image and LiDAR data over the site, considering the fact that some areas are covered with dense tree canopy.

We have processed LiDAR data to get .dxf DSM/DTM excluding trees (orthomosaic and point clouds as well), and I am wondering how to create a new project and import LiDAR DSM/DTM directly to Pix4D to calculate the volume of cuts and fills?
Can we skip general processing steps, and create a new project in Pix4D just for volume calculation based on LiDAR DSM/DTM imported? Any other data required for this volume calculation?

Thank you so much for your help.

Cindy, using external point clouds (LiDAR) for volume measurements is not available in Pix4Dmapper. The volumes will be calculated based on the point cloud/DSM generated in Pix4Dmapper.

In order for the Volumes module to be available, all three processing steps need to be processed.


Hi Thanks for your reply.

I am using Pix4D Mapper 4.4.12 and I have another question about Volume calculation and Point cloud Classification.

I am doing Point cloud classification in order to get DTM and Contour.

If I do Point cloud Classification, Will this affect volume calculation? If so, How??

Many thanks!

The volume is computed using the DSM. This means that the point cloud classification will not be affecting the volume measurements.

If you would like to exclude some points from the volume calculations, you will need to delete those points in the original dense point cloud. More in the How to remove Objects from a Stockpile for the Volume Computation article.


Hello Good morning.

Can I view external 3D mesh model of SLPK format in Pix4D?

We collected some quality 3D mesh model in SLPK format, and I tried to import them to Pix4D but failed.

Could you please suggest on this? Many thanks.



Unfortunately, it is not possible for 3D Texture Mesh but for the point cloud. More information in How to import a Point Cloud delivered by an External Source into Pix4Dmapper.
