Stitching XT2 themal images

Hi Marc,

It would be great if you write us a support ticket with the images (in a google drive folder with the link for sharing) and also the quality report and log file. The rjpeg images are converted to grayscale tif images where each pixel represents the temperature. This might be of help as well:

Hello Momtanu,

I thought that the issues related to stitching Zenmuse XT2 images had been solved on version 3.3.31. I am running  Pix4DMapper (education license) version 4.3.33 and I can not get the RGB images from the XT2 to stitch. The software is still getting the incorrect specs for both the thermal and RGB cameras (as seen on the “Edit Camera Model” windows (screenshot below for RGB camera)). The software is able to successfully stitch the thermal images once I chance both the calibration settings on “Internal Parameters Optimization” to “All Prior” and manually enter the correct values for the sensor size. I have tried 2 projects with the same results. On both situations I have been able to stitch the RGB images using AgiSoft software. Is there another version/license (other than education license) level of Pix4D software where these issues have been solved? I ask that because recently I was having issues stitching MicaSense Altum images, and by chatting with their support we found that that they have a Pix4D version 4.3.9 (in which Altum is apparently supported) while I have 4.3.33, which is the most updated version that I have access under the my license. I was wondering my Pix4D version/license might the cause of my issues trying to stitch the images of both those sensors. Would you have any comments on that?




Hi Paulo,

The zenmuse XT2 is not there in our camera database. However, Pix4Dmapper is camera agnostic and reads the exif from the images. There was an issue with another user before with the RGB images of XT2. Can you try using the 3D maps template and check geometrically verified matching to see if it works? Altum is in the database. You will not need a new version, when the software is connected to the internet, the camera database gets updated automatically. 

Hi Momtanu,

It worked. I used your suggestion and Pix4D was able to stitch the RGB pictures.

Thanks for your help.

Glad to help :slight_smile:

Hello Momtanu,

I am getting “[Error]: Error converting FLIR image: Unable to write thermal image”, while trying to load the images from the XT2. I am assuming it is something to do with converting the images.

Running Pix4Dmapper version 4.6.4

Is there a way to resolve this? It only happens on the r.jpg

Hi, It might be a permission issue and Pix4D could not write images to the converted folder. Also, make sure there are no special characters or space in the image names. You can try moving the images to a different folder and then try processing again in a new project. Can you then send me the log file?

Thanks Momtanu,

I was able to load the images in by placing the folder on my desktop. I am hot having errors with calibrating cameras “No calibrated cameras” but I flew the project at a 90/90 overlap. I attached the log file below in a .zip folder. (1.4 MB)

I see an oblique image warning. Thermal and Thermomap template uses alternative calibration pipeline. This pipeline assumes that the dataset does not contain oblique images, the terrain is flat and homogenous. Due to this assumption during the calibration, the images that have >35 deg orientation will not get calibrated. If that is the case, you will need to use standard calibration and enable geometrically verified matching in step 1. If that is not the case, the camera parameters might be wrong. Due to that, Pix4D thinks there are oblique images. Can you check the pixel size in the image properties editor? It should be 17 microns.

The pixel size seems to be the issue. it was not at 17 microns and seems to be processing correctly now.

Thank you

I am now getting a [Error]: Generate index failed!

Attached is the processing log (1.5 MB)

This is because your thermal band group name is grayscale. Some cameras have the name thermal_ir. But both are the same. You will need to uncheck thermal_ir=thermal_ir in step 3 processing options in index and process again.

The Greyscale=Greyscale was already unchecked but when I checked it, the project processed correctly!

Thanks for the help.

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Buenas tardes.
Estoy procesando un proyecto con imagenes procedentes de XT2, he modificado los datos según tutoriuales y otros foros de esta página. He obtenido el mapa de indice “grayscale”, pero necesito conocer el mapa de temperaturas real y desconozco como calcularlo con pix4d, puesto que los datos que representa el indice grayscale es temperatura relativa. Muchas gracias

The reflectance map generated using the greyscale images should give you the temperature reading while processing with PIX4Dmapper.