Hello All, I know this is the best place to confirm whether my processes are optimal or not.
Flight Mission
Pix4D Capture
240 Acres
Elevation Range: 4,000 - 5,500ft
divided into 6 area, but even then, I am dividing flights into about 2 per area, so 12 flights total and each flight is 30min. I had multiple battery changes with the Mavic Pro (not recommended).
Front Overlap: 80%
Side Overlap: 80%
Camera orientation 80%+ NADAIR or almost 90degree I believe
I have my flight height set to 300ft AGL for every flight.
The area are at the lowest level, and as I move north, they become respectfully higher and higher. Can I have different takeoff areas with these settings?
Output preferred:
.las point cloud
20MP Camera (Mavic 2 Pro)
changing to 20MP Camera (DJI Phantom 4 Pro)
Not using any control, because its a mapping project, not surveying or engineering project. Any help with setting would be appreciated.