Setting for Large Acre Mapping

Hello All, I know this is the best place to confirm whether my processes are optimal or not.

Flight Mission

Pix4D Capture
240 Acres
Elevation Range: 4,000 - 5,500ft
divided into 6 area, but even then, I am dividing flights into about 2 per area, so 12 flights total and each flight is 30min. I had multiple battery changes with the Mavic Pro (not recommended).

Front Overlap: 80%
Side Overlap: 80%

Camera orientation 80%+ NADAIR or almost 90degree I believe

I have my flight height set to 300ft AGL for every flight.

The area are at the lowest level, and as I move north, they become respectfully higher and higher. Can I have different takeoff areas with these settings?

Output preferred:

.las point cloud
20MP Camera (Mavic 2 Pro)
changing to 20MP Camera (DJI Phantom 4 Pro)

Not using any control, because its a mapping project, not surveying or engineering project. Any help with setting would be appreciated.


Hi @utahsdroneguy,

I have a few questions. You say you are not using any control, does that mean you will be taking images manually or you meant something else?

You mention “20MP Camera (Mavic 2 Pro), changing to 20MP Camera (DJI Phantom 4 Pro)” may I ask if you will be using 2 different drones? Also, do you intend to merge all these flights in one project or you want to create multiple projects?

Moreover it is a bit unclear to me what you mean by “The area are at the lowest level, and as I move north, they become respectfully higher and higher. Can I have different takeoff areas with these settings?”. Do you mean that the area you are trying to reconstruct has different heights and the more to the north you move the higher it gets?
