Sequoia RGB Calibration Failure During Processing

Another thread stated RGB calibration is not required with the Sequoia, however we are having issues with RGB processing. We recently updated to Pix4Dmapper Pro 3.0.13 with the same results.

The raycloud comes out as a mess with a number of geotag warnings as well as about 100 warnings stating the RGB image is not calibrated:

[Warning]: Load ortho: skip image <IMG_160831_184346_0066_RGB.JPG>: image is not calibrated

The MSP image comes out much better.

This flight was prior to the most recent Sequoia firmware update. Is there a way for us to recover this RGB orthomosaic?

Hello Neil, 

There are two kinds of calibrations. There is the camera calibration that happens during step 1. Initial Processing, and there is the radiometric calibration that is necessary for Reflectance maps.The latter is not necessary for RGB images when the purpose is to create an orthomosaic. 

In the screenshot you shared, there are many cameras marked in red, these are the cameras that were not correctly calibrated during step 1. Initial Processing. There can be several reasons for this, e.g. another calibration method should be used (in Process > Processing Options > 1. Initial Processing > Calibration), or the images may have some issues. 

The easiest would be if you submit a request to our Technical Support with the Quality Report of the project (click Process > Generate Quality Report):

Thank you, 
