Second monitor doesn't show the Projekt in Mapper

When i drag the Pix4D Mapper Window to my second monitor it just shows nothing. See my Problem
in this short video:

Would appreciate any suggestions?

Hi @cockpit ,

Thank you for your message.

Unfortunately, we are not able to open/download the video. However, from the description, it seems this might be caused by the combination of resolution and scaling of your monitor.

Please change the scale to 100% or 125% and/or reduce the resolution of the external monitor.

Let us know if this works.


Hi Daniele,
unfortunately your suggestion didn’t solve the problem. But i mentioned that if i change the main monitor, then i can see the Projekt on my second monitor, but not on Laptop monitor and otherwise. It would be great if it could be seen on both monitors, so i can open two projects simultaneously.

Hi @cockpit

Thank you for your reply.
I now managed to download your video.
Could you please let me know the scaling and resolution of the two screens (laptop+expernal)?
Also, do you confirm that the issue only appears on the secondary monitor?


We use PIX4D Mapper with Windows 11 and 4K UHD screens. If set to full resolution the mapper does not show anything in MapView or RayCloud mode - no maps shown no point cloud shown - just blank screen.

It just works if we set the compatibility mode to “System” for high DPI Scaling. This results in a blurred appearance.

Does anyone have the same problem - any idea how to solve it?