Request, Save appearances and styles for future projects

Hello Pix4D team!

Whenever I start a project i go through the appearances and change colors, turn off sky and enable error ellipses and a few other items. Is there a way to save this globally or can it be added in the future so the changes I make to appearances stay that way until I chance them again?

Thanks and great work you all do!


Hi Nick,

Currently it is not possible to export the display properties of the items displayed on the rayCloud for using them in multiple projects. You should select them in every project. However, this is an interesting idea. Therefore, we will add it in our suggestion list for consideration for future releases,

However, it is possible in the current version of the software to create and save a template with the processing options you desire for use in multiple projects.


has this been implemented yet? I was also looking for a way to change the default display properties for projects.

Nope, kinda frustrating.



I’m moving this post to the Product feedback topic, so that all feedback is grouped there. 


Dec '21

Why is there no way to save the preferences that I prefer? I hate the blue/green gcps. Too hard to see. I prefer pink. And I like them to be larger. Why can’t I save that to the default?


** #### created*

Dec '21




It would also be great to save preferred background color, system resource preferences (In custom template), and whether or not the sky toggled on/off.

I have mentioned this as well. It seems like a pretty easy thing to implement.