Hi, first of all i need to excuse for my bad english skill…
But, i was looking for the solution for the ray cloud problem, because my project i was working on for days, in a while became all black with no layer displayed… On the troubleshooting it advice to update the driver of your Graphic card, due to opengl 3.2 support… But only in few of my tries the problem appears. If it would be the opengl, all my project would not work at all.
I am running the pix4d 2.2 preview, and after having opened a “black raycloud” file, i made a mistake and i click on the “volume” menu, and the model (mesh and point cloud) magically appear on my screen. If i try to go to the raycloud, it’s not displayed at all.
So i was wondering which was the differences in visualization volumes menu and raycloud menu. And the solution is: MTPs.
So i tried to delete all my MTPs taken from polylines and surfaces, save and close the project, and finally the raycloud became alive!.
The problem is not the opengl, the problem should be the way the mtps are displayed in the raycloud, they don’t allow the raycloud to inizialize.
Now: pix4d support, could you suggest me a way to fix the problem? is there a method to import the mtps and other object in a “blank scene”, i mean a processed scene. Or maybe you know the problem and you know how to fix it…
My configuration is: Pix4d 2.2 preview
Asus x99e ws, intel i7 5820k, 32gb ram ddr4, dual gigabyte980Ti and one msi 960 4gb, all up to date… so the hardware could not be the problem…