Point Cloud Densification: An unknown error occured bad allocation

I am trying to run densification on a project with 3250 images. I’m running it on a machine with 24cpus and 110GB RAM. The settings I need to use are:

Algorithm: Hardware accelerated (Nvidia T4 installed)
Image scale: 1/1
Multiscale: Off (I’d rather have accurate points at the 1/1 scale than more points)
Min matches: 6 ( I care more for accurate positions than more points of lower accuracy)
Noise filter: On
Sky filter: On


// Wed May 10 19:33:02 2023
CommandGraph {
GenerateSkyMasks {
GenerateGaPmvsDensePointCloud {
settings.imageDownscaleFactor : 0
settings.pointDensity : PointDensity.High
settings.minNbrOfMatches : 6
settings.multiScale : false
settings.denoise : true
settings.skyless : true
resources.useGpu : GpuUsage.Automatic
// Thu May 11 07:28:01 2023
SaveProject {
// Thu May 11 07:47:55 2023
CommandGraph {
GenerateSkyMasks {
GenerateGaPmvsDensePointCloud {
settings.imageDownscaleFactor : 0
settings.pointDensity : PointDensity.High
settings.minNbrOfMatches : 6
settings.multiScale : false
settings.denoise : true
settings.skyless : true
resources.useGpu : GpuUsage.Automatic
// Thu May 11 15:42:50 2023
SaveProject {

After about 4 hours I am getting the following error:

An unknown error occured
bad allocation

What sucks the most about this error is that none of the 4 hours of work gets saved, so the Densification needs to be restarted from scratch.

I read in a different topic that the issue might be that there isn’t enough RAM, but according to the logs below, the RAM utilization was never at higher than 80% and when the error happened it was at about 50%. Does anyone have any idea of what the issue/solution could be?

Obviously, I could just try different settings, perhaps lower ones, but unfortunately, I’m not getting good enough results with lower settings, so that’s not a good solution for my situation.
Thinking that it may be simply configuration drifting, or a random error, I tried it twice, with almost identical results. Both failed a little bit after 4 hours.

[2023-05-10 19:33:02][00%CPU][11%RAM][Processing] Running
[2023-05-10 19:33:02][00%CPU][11%RAM][Generate sky masks] Running
[2023-05-10 19:33:02][00%CPU][11%RAM][Generate sky masks](Info) All sky masks are available, the sky masks will not be generated again.
[2023-05-10 19:33:02][00%CPU][11%RAM][Generate sky masks] Finished
[2023-05-10 19:33:02][00%CPU][10%RAM][Generate sky masks](Success) Generation of sky masks finished
Processing time 0s
[2023-05-10 19:33:02][00%CPU][11%RAM][Densify sparse point cloud] Running Region of interest: Disabled
Image scale: 1/1
Multiscale: Disabled
Density: High
Minimum matches: 6
Noise filter: Enabled
Sky filter: Enabled
[2023-05-10 19:33:03][00%CPU][11%RAM][Densify] Running [free storage: 352.32 GB]
[2023-05-10 19:33:06][08%CPU][13%RAM][Densify](Info) Arguments validated.
[2023-05-10 19:33:06][08%CPU][13%RAM][Densify](Info) running pix4d densify 3.8.2
[2023-05-10 19:33:06][08%CPU][13%RAM][Densify](Info) densifying from 3250 cameras and 23292230 seeds
[2023-05-10 19:33:06][08%CPU][13%RAM][Densify](Info) Resources: {"gpuMemory":10970431488,"hostMemory":78726930432,"useGPU":true}
[2023-05-10 19:33:06][08%CPU][13%RAM][Densify](Info) Settings: {"depthLimitPercentile":0.949999988079071,"imageScale":0,"limitDepth":true,"minImageSize":512,"minNoMatch":6,"multiScale":false,"partitionInputScene":true,"patchesFiltering":true,"pointDensity":1,"regularizedMultiscale":true,"uniformityThreshold":0.03125,"windowSize":7}
[2023-05-10 19:33:07][08%CPU][13%RAM][Densify](Debug) Parameters: {
    "cluster": {
        "maxClusterSize": 450,
        "minSharedPointCount": 10
    "exp": {
        "cellSize": 1,
        "filterPatches": true,
        "maxProcessingPatchCount": 65536,
        "maxSelectionOverlap": 0,
        "minExpansionRate": -1.0,
        "minFilledCells": 6,
        "minProcessingPatchCount": 1024,
        "qualityMetrics": "entropyLevel",
        "selectionPercentile": 0.75,
        "switchToCPUThreshold": 1000
    "filter": {
        "maxDepth": 471.6746520996094,
        "visibilityFiltering": true
    "image": {
        "downscalingKernel": [
        "softRankFilterWindow": 7
    "init": {
        "camSelectionMethod": "first",
        "cameraSelectionBatchSize": 9,
        "cosMaxAngle": 0.17364817766693041,
        "cosMinAngle": 0.9998476951563913,
        "entropyThreshold": 0.03125,
        "entropyThresholdUpperBound": 0.125,
        "maxCandidateRefCam": 5,
        "maxProjectionsCount": 9,
        "minProjectionsCount": 3,
        "regularize": false,
        "znccThreshold": 0.699999988079071
    "opt": {
        "epsilon": 1e-05,
        "finiteDiffEpsilon": 0.0003162277571391314,
        "gradTolerance": 1e-06,
        "initialTrustRegion": 100.0,
        "maxIterations": 10,
        "numDiffMethod": "forward",
        "paramTolerance": 0.0001
    "score": {
        "anchor": "center",
        "dMethod": "mad",
        "gridSize": 7,
        "imageLevel": 0,
        "levelsCount": 1,
        "marginPixels": 0
    "seedInRoiRatioThreshold": 0.1

[2023-05-10 19:33:07][08%CPU][13%RAM][Densify](Debug) host memory forecast: 19044.982570
[2023-05-10 19:33:07][08%CPU][13%RAM][Densify](Info) Checking input seeds reprojections...
[2023-05-10 19:33:12][04%CPU][13%RAM][Densify](Debug) 0.000000% of projections from camera (declared as visible) to seed point are invalid.
[2023-05-10 19:33:12][04%CPU][13%RAM][Densify](Debug) Task: [densification]/[seeds reprojection check] finished.
[2023-05-10 19:33:12][04%CPU][13%RAM][Densify](Info) Checking input seeds reprojections... done
[2023-05-10 19:33:12][04%CPU][13%RAM][Densify](Info) Region-of-interest input filtering...
[2023-05-10 19:33:17][04%CPU][13%RAM][Densify](Debug) Task: [densification]/[region of interest filtering] finished.
[2023-05-10 19:33:17][04%CPU][13%RAM][Densify](Info) Region-of-interest input filtering... done
[2023-05-10 19:33:17][04%CPU][13%RAM][Densify](Info) Create overlapping views camera graph...
[2023-05-10 19:33:29][04%CPU][13%RAM][Densify](Debug) Task: [densification]/[overlapping views camera graph creation] finished.
[2023-05-10 19:33:29][04%CPU][13%RAM][Densify](Info) Create overlapping views camera graph... done
[2023-05-10 19:33:29][04%CPU][13%RAM][Densify](Info) Create global scene...
[2023-05-10 19:33:31][02%CPU][14%RAM][Densify](Debug) Task: [densification]/[global scene creation] finished.
[2023-05-10 19:33:31][02%CPU][14%RAM][Densify](Info) Create global scene... done
[2023-05-10 19:33:31][02%CPU][14%RAM][Densify](Info) creating densification clusters... 
[2023-05-10 19:33:39][04%CPU][14%RAM][Densify](Debug) Task: [densification]/[cluster creation] finished.
[2023-05-10 19:33:39][04%CPU][14%RAM][Densify](Info) creating densification clusters...  done
[2023-05-10 19:33:39][04%CPU][14%RAM][Densify](Info) Created 8 clusters out of 3250 cameras with cameras counts [418, 418, 416, 415, 399, 396, 394, 394, ] (0% overlap) and seeds count [1330308, 1131638, 1294120, 1164313, 1280444, 1372203, 1343523, 1163137, ]

[2023-05-10 19:33:39][04%CPU][14%RAM][Densify](Info) Scene [1/8] extracting initial seed-scene...
[2023-05-10 19:33:39][04%CPU][14%RAM][Densify](Info) Scene [1/8] extracting initial seed-scene... done
[2023-05-10 19:33:39][04%CPU][14%RAM][Densify](Info) Scene [1/8] Extracted initial seed-scene with 418 cameras and 1330308 points.
[2023-05-10 19:33:39][04%CPU][14%RAM][Densify](Info) computing look-up tables...
[2023-05-10 19:33:39][04%CPU][14%RAM][Densify](Info) computing look-up tables... done
[2023-05-10 19:33:39][04%CPU][14%RAM][Densify](Debug) Task: [densification]/[all clusters]/[cluster_0]/[expansion]/[computing LUTs] finished.
[2023-05-10 19:33:39][04%CPU][14%RAM][Densify](Info) loading 418 images...
[2023-05-10 19:35:51][04%CPU][20%RAM][Densify](Info) loading 418 images... done
[2023-05-10 19:35:51][04%CPU][20%RAM][Densify](Debug) Task: [densification]/[all clusters]/[cluster_0]/[expansion]/[loading images] finished.
[2023-05-10 19:35:51][04%CPU][20%RAM][Densify](Info) initializing scene expansion...
[2023-05-10 19:40:06][84%CPU][26%RAM][Densify](Info) initializing scene expansion... done
[2023-05-10 19:40:06][84%CPU][26%RAM][Densify](Debug) Task: [densification]/[all clusters]/[cluster_0]/[expansion]/[seed initialization] finished.
[2023-05-10 19:40:06][84%CPU][26%RAM][Densify](Info) expanding from 1054641 seeds...
[2023-05-10 23:08:22][80%CPU][43%RAM][Densify](Debug) generated 178757451 points, 27.9128% cells filled
               filterPatches: 1.1365e+06ms
             finalizePatches: 3.0468e+06ms
           initializePatches: 3.06575e+06ms
makeNeighborCandidatePatches: 412238ms
             optimizePatches: 2.18566e+06ms
               outputPatches: 13670.8ms
      selectCandidatePatches: 1.68627e+06ms

maximum number of seeds in queue: 23972818

[2023-05-10 23:16:50][04%CPU][53%RAM][Densify](Info) expanding from 1054641 seeds... done
[2023-05-10 23:16:52][04%CPU][53%RAM][Densify](Debug) Task: [densification]/[all clusters]/[cluster_0]/[expansion]/[expansion] finished.
[2023-05-10 23:16:52][04%CPU][53%RAM][Densify](Info) Scene [1/8] expanded to 178757451 points.
[2023-05-10 23:16:52][04%CPU][53%RAM][Densify](Info) filtering 178757451 points...
[2023-05-10 23:37:12][84%CPU][65%RAM][Densify](Debug) Task: [densification]/[all clusters]/[cluster_0]/[post computation]/[filter patches] finished.
[2023-05-10 23:37:12][84%CPU][65%RAM][Densify](Info) filtering 178757451 points... done
[2023-05-10 23:37:12][84%CPU][65%RAM][Densify](Info) colorizing 163194414 points...
[2023-05-10 23:41:31][46%CPU][74%RAM][Densify](Info) colorizing 163194414 points... done
[2023-05-10 23:41:31][46%CPU][74%RAM][Densify](Debug) Task: [densification]/[all clusters]/[cluster_0]/[post computation]/[colorization] finished.
[2023-05-10 23:41:31][46%CPU][74%RAM][Densify](Info) Scene [1/8] colorized 163194414 points.
[2023-05-10 23:41:31][46%CPU][74%RAM][Densify](Info) returning 163194414 generated points... 
[2023-05-10 23:43:07][05%CPU][52%RAM][Densify](Info) returning 163194414 generated points...  failed
[2023-05-10 23:43:09][17%CPU][35%RAM][Densify](Error) Exception thrown in callback or sink. Re-throwing
[2023-05-10 23:43:09][17%CPU][35%RAM][Densify] Error
[2023-05-10 23:43:11][17%CPU][35%RAM][Densify sparse point cloud](Error) An unknown error occurred
bad allocation
[2023-05-10 23:43:11][17%CPU][35%RAM][Create point cloud] Cancelled
[2023-05-10 23:43:11][17%CPU][35%RAM][Densify sparse point cloud] Error Region of interest: Disabled
Image scale: 1/1
Multiscale: Disabled
Density: High
Minimum matches: 6
Noise filter: Enabled
Sky filter: Enabled
[2023-05-10 23:43:11][76%CPU][35%RAM][Densify sparse point cloud](Error) Densification failed
Processing time 4h 10m 8s
[2023-05-10 23:43:15][76%CPU][11%RAM][Processing] Finished
[2023-05-10 23:43:15][76%CPU][11%RAM][Processing] Error
[2023-05-10 23:43:15][76%CPU][11%RAM][Processing](Error) Processing failed
[2023-05-11 07:47:55][00%CPU][13%RAM][Processing] Running
[2023-05-11 07:47:55][00%CPU][13%RAM][Generate sky masks] Running
[2023-05-11 07:47:55][00%CPU][13%RAM][Generate sky masks](Info) All sky masks are available, the sky masks will not be generated again.
[2023-05-11 07:47:55][00%CPU][13%RAM][Generate sky masks] Finished
[2023-05-11 07:47:55][00%CPU][12%RAM][Generate sky masks](Success) Generation of sky masks finished
Processing time 0s
[2023-05-11 07:47:55][00%CPU][13%RAM][Densify sparse point cloud] Running Region of interest: Disabled
Image scale: 1/1
Multiscale: Disabled
Density: High
Minimum matches: 6
Noise filter: Enabled
Sky filter: Enabled
[2023-05-11 07:47:55][00%CPU][13%RAM][Densify] Running [free storage: 352.31 GB]
[2023-05-11 07:47:59][07%CPU][14%RAM][Densify](Info) Arguments validated.
[2023-05-11 07:47:59][07%CPU][14%RAM][Densify](Info) running pix4d densify 3.8.2
[2023-05-11 07:47:59][07%CPU][14%RAM][Densify](Info) densifying from 3250 cameras and 23292230 seeds
[2023-05-11 07:47:59][07%CPU][14%RAM][Densify](Info) Resources: {"gpuMemory":11036983296,"hostMemory":77422273536,"useGPU":true}
[2023-05-11 07:47:59][07%CPU][14%RAM][Densify](Info) Settings: {"depthLimitPercentile":0.949999988079071,"imageScale":0,"limitDepth":true,"minImageSize":512,"minNoMatch":6,"multiScale":false,"partitionInputScene":true,"patchesFiltering":true,"pointDensity":1,"regularizedMultiscale":true,"uniformityThreshold":0.03125,"windowSize":7}
[2023-05-11 07:48:00][07%CPU][14%RAM][Densify](Debug) Parameters: {
    "cluster": {
        "maxClusterSize": 443,
        "minSharedPointCount": 10
    "exp": {
        "cellSize": 1,
        "filterPatches": true,
        "maxProcessingPatchCount": 65536,
        "maxSelectionOverlap": 0,
        "minExpansionRate": -1.0,
        "minFilledCells": 6,
        "minProcessingPatchCount": 1024,
        "qualityMetrics": "entropyLevel",
        "selectionPercentile": 0.75,
        "switchToCPUThreshold": 1000
    "filter": {
        "maxDepth": 471.6746520996094,
        "visibilityFiltering": true
    "image": {
        "downscalingKernel": [
        "softRankFilterWindow": 7
    "init": {
        "camSelectionMethod": "first",
        "cameraSelectionBatchSize": 9,
        "cosMaxAngle": 0.17364817766693041,
        "cosMinAngle": 0.9998476951563913,
        "entropyThreshold": 0.03125,
        "entropyThresholdUpperBound": 0.125,
        "maxCandidateRefCam": 5,
        "maxProjectionsCount": 9,
        "minProjectionsCount": 3,
        "regularize": false,
        "znccThreshold": 0.699999988079071
    "opt": {
        "epsilon": 1e-05,
        "finiteDiffEpsilon": 0.0003162277571391314,
        "gradTolerance": 1e-06,
        "initialTrustRegion": 100.0,
        "maxIterations": 10,
        "numDiffMethod": "forward",
        "paramTolerance": 0.0001
    "score": {
        "anchor": "center",
        "dMethod": "mad",
        "gridSize": 7,
        "imageLevel": 0,
        "levelsCount": 1,
        "marginPixels": 0
    "seedInRoiRatioThreshold": 0.1

[2023-05-11 07:48:00][07%CPU][14%RAM][Densify](Debug) host memory forecast: 18752.513519
[2023-05-11 07:48:00][07%CPU][14%RAM][Densify](Info) Checking input seeds reprojections...
[2023-05-11 07:48:05][04%CPU][14%RAM][Densify](Debug) 0.000000% of projections from camera (declared as visible) to seed point are invalid.
[2023-05-11 07:48:05][04%CPU][14%RAM][Densify](Debug) Task: [densification]/[seeds reprojection check] finished.
[2023-05-11 07:48:05][04%CPU][14%RAM][Densify](Info) Checking input seeds reprojections... done
[2023-05-11 07:48:05][04%CPU][14%RAM][Densify](Info) Region-of-interest input filtering...
[2023-05-11 07:48:10][04%CPU][14%RAM][Densify](Debug) Task: [densification]/[region of interest filtering] finished.
[2023-05-11 07:48:10][04%CPU][14%RAM][Densify](Info) Region-of-interest input filtering... done
[2023-05-11 07:48:10][04%CPU][14%RAM][Densify](Info) Create overlapping views camera graph...
[2023-05-11 07:48:23][04%CPU][14%RAM][Densify](Debug) Task: [densification]/[overlapping views camera graph creation] finished.
[2023-05-11 07:48:23][04%CPU][14%RAM][Densify](Info) Create overlapping views camera graph... done
[2023-05-11 07:48:23][04%CPU][14%RAM][Densify](Info) Create global scene...
[2023-05-11 07:48:26][02%CPU][15%RAM][Densify](Debug) Task: [densification]/[global scene creation] finished.
[2023-05-11 07:48:26][02%CPU][15%RAM][Densify](Info) Create global scene... done
[2023-05-11 07:48:26][02%CPU][15%RAM][Densify](Info) creating densification clusters... 
[2023-05-11 07:48:34][04%CPU][15%RAM][Densify](Debug) Task: [densification]/[cluster creation] finished.
[2023-05-11 07:48:34][04%CPU][15%RAM][Densify](Info) creating densification clusters...  done
[2023-05-11 07:48:34][04%CPU][15%RAM][Densify](Info) Created 8 clusters out of 3250 cameras with cameras counts [418, 418, 416, 415, 399, 396, 394, 394, ] (0% overlap) and seeds count [1330308, 1131638, 1294120, 1164313, 1280444, 1372203, 1343523, 1163137, ]

[2023-05-11 07:48:34][04%CPU][15%RAM][Densify](Info) Scene [1/8] extracting initial seed-scene...
[2023-05-11 07:48:34][04%CPU][15%RAM][Densify](Info) Scene [1/8] extracting initial seed-scene... done
[2023-05-11 07:48:34][04%CPU][15%RAM][Densify](Info) Scene [1/8] Extracted initial seed-scene with 418 cameras and 1330308 points.
[2023-05-11 07:48:34][04%CPU][15%RAM][Densify](Info) computing look-up tables...
[2023-05-11 07:48:34][04%CPU][15%RAM][Densify](Info) computing look-up tables... done
[2023-05-11 07:48:34][04%CPU][15%RAM][Densify](Debug) Task: [densification]/[all clusters]/[cluster_0]/[expansion]/[computing LUTs] finished.
[2023-05-11 07:48:34][04%CPU][15%RAM][Densify](Info) loading 418 images...
[2023-05-11 07:50:56][04%CPU][21%RAM][Densify](Info) loading 418 images... done
[2023-05-11 07:50:56][04%CPU][21%RAM][Densify](Debug) Task: [densification]/[all clusters]/[cluster_0]/[expansion]/[loading images] finished.
[2023-05-11 07:50:56][04%CPU][21%RAM][Densify](Info) initializing scene expansion...
[2023-05-11 07:55:17][84%CPU][32%RAM][Densify](Info) initializing scene expansion... done
[2023-05-11 07:55:17][84%CPU][32%RAM][Densify](Debug) Task: [densification]/[all clusters]/[cluster_0]/[expansion]/[seed initialization] finished.
[2023-05-11 07:55:17][84%CPU][32%RAM][Densify](Info) expanding from 1054641 seeds...
[2023-05-11 11:32:51][77%CPU][48%RAM][Densify](Debug) generated 178757451 points, 27.9128% cells filled
               filterPatches: 1.24237e+06ms
             finalizePatches: 3.02307e+06ms
           initializePatches: 3.07174e+06ms
makeNeighborCandidatePatches: 428333ms
             optimizePatches: 2.18249e+06ms
               outputPatches: 13339.6ms
      selectCandidatePatches: 2.0886e+06ms

maximum number of seeds in queue: 23972818

[2023-05-11 11:42:05][04%CPU][64%RAM][Densify](Info) expanding from 1054641 seeds... done
[2023-05-11 11:42:06][04%CPU][64%RAM][Densify](Debug) Task: [densification]/[all clusters]/[cluster_0]/[expansion]/[expansion] finished.
[2023-05-11 11:42:06][04%CPU][64%RAM][Densify](Info) Scene [1/8] expanded to 178757451 points.
[2023-05-11 11:42:06][04%CPU][64%RAM][Densify](Info) filtering 178757451 points...
[2023-05-11 12:03:56][85%CPU][81%RAM][Densify](Debug) Task: [densification]/[all clusters]/[cluster_0]/[post computation]/[filter patches] finished.
[2023-05-11 12:03:56][85%CPU][81%RAM][Densify](Info) filtering 178757451 points... done
[2023-05-11 12:03:56][85%CPU][81%RAM][Densify](Info) colorizing 163194414 points...
[2023-05-11 12:08:20][45%CPU][84%RAM][Densify](Info) colorizing 163194414 points... done
[2023-05-11 12:08:20][45%CPU][84%RAM][Densify](Debug) Task: [densification]/[all clusters]/[cluster_0]/[post computation]/[colorization] finished.
[2023-05-11 12:08:20][45%CPU][84%RAM][Densify](Info) Scene [1/8] colorized 163194414 points.
[2023-05-11 12:08:20][45%CPU][84%RAM][Densify](Info) returning 163194414 generated points... 
[2023-05-11 12:09:57][06%CPU][52%RAM][Densify](Info) returning 163194414 generated points...  failed
[2023-05-11 12:09:57][06%CPU][52%RAM][Densify](Error) Exception thrown in callback or sink. Re-throwing
[2023-05-11 12:09:57][06%CPU][52%RAM][Densify] Error
[2023-05-11 12:09:58][06%CPU][52%RAM][Densify sparse point cloud](Error) An unknown error occurred
bad allocation
[2023-05-11 12:09:58][06%CPU][52%RAM][Create point cloud] Cancelled
[2023-05-11 12:09:58][06%CPU][52%RAM][Densify sparse point cloud] Error Region of interest: Disabled
Image scale: 1/1
Multiscale: Disabled
Density: High
Minimum matches: 6
Noise filter: Enabled
Sky filter: Enabled
[2023-05-11 12:09:58][74%CPU][50%RAM][Densify sparse point cloud](Error) Densification failed
Processing time 4h 22m 2s
[2023-05-11 12:10:03][74%CPU][11%RAM][Processing] Finished
[2023-05-11 12:10:03][74%CPU][11%RAM][Processing] Error
[2023-05-11 12:10:03][74%CPU][11%RAM][Processing](Error) Processing failed


I have a 64cpu system with 256 of ram. I can try processing it to quazi-eliminate whether it is or is not a ram issue. Let me know if that’s something that interests you and, if so, send me a link to the images.


I appreciate your offer a lot. I started copying data to a location that I can share.
The raw-input is already there, but I’m also copying the pre-calibrated pix4d project, so that you don’t have to do the calibration as well, just the densification. It will probably take a few more hours from now until all the files of the project are there.

Actually, ideally, you would try processing on top of this calibration, because I think it may make a difference. Although, these are the only 2 tests I’ve tried with High Density (instead of the Optimal default) for densification, so maybe calibration doesn’t make a difference.

I would have tried with more CPUs/RAM, but Google doesn’t want to increase my vCPU quota for cloud processing for now, so I’m a bit stuck. Currently I’m trying again with 156GB of RAM, which is the maximum I can have (the previous tests were with 90GB and 110GB of RAM).

Sent you the link in the DM.


Thank you for including the Matic file. I meant to ask for that. I’ll process it as is, from scratch with your settings and, if need be, completely from scratch as a new file with your preferred settings. I’ll let you know what I find out. I’ll queue the first two options this evening. They shouldn’t take too long to process out. I am downloading the files now.

Hi @andrei.mirt

If you could share the entire log file that would be very helpful for us to troubleshoot.

Based on this error (Error) Densification failed I see in the partial logs you shared, some solutions for this issue include:

Just a friendly reminder, we also have a new release of PIX4Dmatic yesterday.

You can also try using the latest version. Before installing the latest version, please do a complete uninstall:

  1. In the Windows Search, type Add or remove programs .
  2. Scroll to find PIX4Dmatic and click the application.
  3. Click Uninstall .
  4. On the path where PIX4Dmatic was installed (default is C:\Program Files\Pix4Dmatic ), ensure this folder does not exist anymore. If it exists, DELETE this Pix4Dmaticfolder.
  5. In C:\Users\Your Username\AppData\Local\pix4d , ensure the folder Pix4Dmatic does not exist anymore. If it exists, DELETE this Pix4Dmatic folder.
  6. In the Windows Search type regedit and search for the folder stored in the path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Pix4D and ensure this folder does not exist anymore. If it exists, DELETE this PIX4Dmatic folder.
  7. Restart the computer.
  8. Reinstall the latest preview version (v1.46.0) of the software: Technical release notes - PIX4Dmatic

Rosana (she/her)