Planning a mission in the cloud

I would like to create a project online before uploading images. How do i do that?

I want to plan a project first before visiting the remote site.


Hello Paul,

Are you referring to our mobile application Pix4Dcapture? In Pix4Dcapture you can plan a mission in advance, before visiting the site. 

After finishing the mission, you can upload your project on Pix4D Cloud.

  1. Simply log in with your credentials here:
  2. select a valid solution
  3. click Upload new dataset
  4. choose the project name and
  5. drag and drop the images. 


At that moment is not possible to plan a mission on the cloud. Can you please specify what feature you would be interested in? Just to create a project without uploading the images? 

Best Regards, 


Let me clarify,  I have  lat/long coordinates for a parcel of land that I want to plan a flight.   I could try panning around with the moble app  (Pix4Dcapture) referencing the base maps but this is a remote area and I would be guessing. 


How do enter coordinates and plan a flght area? 



Hi Paul,

Possible solutions to this problem are on Android to:

Or do you face the problem on iOS?
Have you tried to switch from the satellite to the street base map?