Hi there,
I am evaluating suitable solutions for a mapping mission in a remote area in South America with no Internet connectivity whatsoever. The exact locations to be mapped can only be determined on site. I will not be able to access the Pix4D cloud at any time between flight planning and data capturing, neither via Desktop/browser nor via mobile.
Is it possible with Pix4Dcapture to plan a flight in the field and capture data without ever having internet connectivity? If so, what would be the workflow?
Thank you very much for your help!
Hi Clemens,
It is not needed to have internet connection (mobile data or Wi-Fi) to perform missions. Only the geolocation signal of the mobile device is used to geolocalized the mission and the home point with respect to the drone’s GPS. However, we recommend to plan the mission in advance so that the base map can be loaded and saved (Android) or cached (iOS) on the device before going to the field.
For more information: https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/206617636
To plan a mission and save it on Android before going to the field, please see: https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/208820126
If you have any doubts on the optimal workflow to follow with the app, you can refer to our getting started:
- Android: https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/202557269
- iOS: https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/204692015
So may I safely assume that the issue regarding login failure while offline posted in the following thread has been fixed?
Hi Clemens,
The user did not provide more information.
It looks like he fixed the problem on his side. We were not aware of login issues and it seems to be fine.
Note that Internet is required to log in the app as mentioned in the article above:
Thank you. I am aware of the above-mentioned article. When exactly and how often is it necessary to “get again the DJI SDK”? Do I have to expect the App eventually not being accessible when out in the field without Internet connection for several days? Or can I rely on the App being accessible once logged in, also if there is no connection for a longer period of time?
Hi Clemens,
You are correct. If you do not have Internet connection on the field and it happens that the SDK token is required by DJI, then you cannot use the app for flying.
Does the same issue apply when using a Yuneec H520? Is a Yunnec SDK Token required on ad-hoc basis?
We have no information about the fact that Yuneec SDK token will be required on ad-hoc basis.
To potentially avoid this I would suggest:
- To log in in Pix4Dcapture and the drone manufacturer application as soon as a new version is updated. Indeed the case might appear when Pix4Dcapture is updated with the integration of a new SDK provided by the drone manufacturer.
- Turning off the automatic app update might also reduce the risks.
I used drone dji phantom3 advanced with pix4d flight mission plan. At that time I used another mobile phone and flied many mission. Now I am away from drone and that mobile. Can I review that missions I took without connecting thses.
Hi Phyo,
If my understanding is correct you would like to review some missions without having the mobile device and the drone used at the time?
If so, you won’t be able to access the missions flown without having access to the mobile devices.
In the future, to have a better user experience, it is one of our priority to improve the data synchronization between platforms/cloud to provide solutions to users in your situation.