Map View dashboard to display datasets and sites
Starting on wednesday June 26th, 2024 ,PIX4Dcloud will include a new dashboard to display datasets and sites on top of a map that will be the default view.
The users will still be able to access the other two ways (thumbnails or list) to see the datasets , sites and folders on the right corner.
Drive component
When being in the root level:
- The datasets and sites contained on the root level will be displayed on the map
- The datasets and sites contained in subfolders will not be on the map
- In order to display on the map the datasets and sites inside a folder, it has to be opened by clicking on Open:
- In order to display on the map the datasets and sites inside a folder, it has to be opened by clicking on Open:
All datasets, sites and folders will be listed in the drive component on the left side of the map
How to navigate to a dataset or site
- Option 1. Look for it on the map, click on it, it will be highlighted in the drive component and then, open it in the drive component
- Option 2. Look for it in the search feature on the right corner, it will be highlighted in the drive component, the map will go to that position and click to open it.
Map dashboard settings
On the lower right corner, some settings and navigation tools are available:
- Satellite / map view
- Zoom in / out
- Zoom to all to display all projects listed in the drive component
Where are the datasets and sites displayed on the map?
The position on the map is the center of the outputs of the dataset.
The position on the map is the center of the last dataset added to the site.
Datasets or sites not displayed on the map dashboard
Datasets or sites created before the release of the feature will not be displayed on the map in the following cases:
- Datasets that contain only 3D outputs: point cloud and/or 3Dmesh and/or IFC
- Sites that only contain projects that contain only 3D outputs
Datasets or sites created after the release of the feature will not be displayed on the map in the following cases:
- Datasets that contain only a 3Dmesh and/or an IFC
- Sites that only contain only a 3Dmesh and/or an IFC
A project with no geolocation will be listed on the drive component and when clicking on it, a message will inform the users that it cannot be displayed on the map: