Hi all,
I have sono questions regarding the angles that can be found in the _gps folder inside a Pix4DCatch survey. I also premise that I have already read the article https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/202558969-Yaw-Pitch-Roll-and-Omega-Phi-Kappa-angles
I took some surveys by scanning an hedge taking the smartphone parallel to it so that the yaw, pitch and roll angles do not change during the survey:
- In the _all_locations.csv file I see that the yaw angle is not represented as the conventional azimuth angle (0°/360° North, 180° South, 90° East, 270° West). How this is represented and which correlation there is with respect to the azimuth angle?
- In the same file, I also see the roll angle that is nearly the same for each survey I get. It is always between 60° and 90° but I expect to have a roll angle near to 0°. How it is the roll angle represented?
- The pitch angle is much more clear to me as if the smartphone is vertical the pitch angle is near to 0°.
Thank you for your help!