Hi There
I have a client who wants to use the “Take Screenshot” command but when its used it doesnt take a screenshot which includes the overlays which are switched on.
Any ideas anyone as to why this is?? Surely there is just a setting somewhere to include overlays when taking the screenshot? Example in the image below
Thanks in advance
Hi @operations2
Welcome to Pix4D Community!
I confirm that this is not supported at the moment. I have already reported your request to the product manager.
We will do some research on this and do our best to support it on PIX4Dcloud.
In the meantime, I recommend you use the built-in tools in Windows like the snipping tool. You can also install Snagit editor.
Have a very nice day!
Best regards
The overlay in the take screenshot feature was included in june 2023.
You can check the PIX4Dcloud release notes at: https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/360050996412-Technical-release-notes-PIX4Dcloud-PIX4Dcloud-Advanced