Good afternoon,
I have been thinking about upgrading to a Mavic 3 enterprise, but see that only Pix4D capture PRO works with it.
I have installed it and see that there is a 15 day free trial, what is the cost after that trial?
Good afternoon,
I have been thinking about upgrading to a Mavic 3 enterprise, but see that only Pix4D capture PRO works with it.
I have installed it and see that there is a 15 day free trial, what is the cost after that trial?
Hi Edward,
Thank you for your interest in Pix4D Capture Pro.
Capture Pro (Professional Version) will be available until September 30th, 2023. After that time the professional version will only be available to Pix4D valid license holders. The discovery version will still be open to all Pix4Daccount holders. For the most updated information, please refer to the licensing model page which will also give you a list of the differences between the two versions.
Hope this information is helpful.
What does license valid holder mean?
Hi @edward.arango ,
It means if you have any active licenses of a Pix4D product. For examples: PIX4Dmatic monthly license, PIX4Dfields yearly license, PIX4Dmapper perpetual license with an active Support and Upgrades service, etc.
I hope this helps.
Happy to provide more information if needed!
Rosana (she/her)
Is there no longer a free version of this app.?
Welcome to the Pix4D Community
PIX4Dcapture Pro offers two versions - Discovery and Professional. The Discovery version is open to all Pix4D account holders (no need for a valid license), while the Professional version is available to all valid license holders (trials, rentals, subscriptions, or perpetual with an active Support and Upgrade, S&U).
For more information, visit our Licensing model article.
That is a beautifully prepared statement that I have read quite a few times here and on the pix4d website. But can you provide an answer to the question. Is it or is not free to use?
I have been using Pix4dCapture for the last year with no issues. I attempted to launch the app yesterday, but it refused to let me fly with out a subscription for Pix4DCloud. I do not need that service. I don’t process any of my deliverables through the pix4d systems.
If it is not required, why I was I stopped through this paywall. Does my having a login count as an “account”? How do I elect to use the Discovery over the Professional?
Explain to me like I am five years old, please.
Hi Janessa,
The app can be downloaded for free but needs an account to be used.
Here you have a list of features and supported drones:
Please note that it is not possible to purchase a license for PIX4Dcapture Pro. However, you can purchase a product (for example PIX4Dcloud), and it will give access to PIX4Dcapture Pro.
Having a log-in counts as an account and therefore, you have access to all Discovery features. If there is a valid license associated to your account, you will get access to Professional features on top.
Is there a specific feature you think you should have access to but it stopped working?
Until the end of September, all PIX4Dcapture Pro features were available to anyone (with or without a Pix4D product license). Now, a user needs to have at least one active license for any Pix4D product in order to use the Pro features.
Kind regards,
C’è un problema grosso grosso: ho sempre usato Pix4DCapture (non Pro), ma ora non riesco a trovare il link per scaricarlo. Come mai?
E ancora, sono titolare di una licenza perpetua di Pix4Dmapper, ma senza ila pagamento della S&U non riesco ad usare Pix4DCapture Pro e mi compare sempre la mappa di Losanna fissa. Sbaglio qualcosa?
Quanto costa il servizio S&U, che consente di sbloccare le altre funzionalità della applicazione Pix4DCapture Pro, come il “Terrain Awarness”, il “Corridor”, il “Cylinder”, e gli “Asset Types”? Inoltre, dove trovo le istruzioni complete di Pix4DCapture Pro?
The Licensing Model Says the Following “All Pix4D users with a paid Pix4D license or active trial license are considered valid license holders. OTC licenses need to have an active S&U.”
What is S&U?
I’m a perpetual double seat license owner of Pix4Dmapper…but the terrain awareness is not available, for example, without a S&U (Software & Upgrade) service, which costs a lot…P.S.: do you know where can I download the “od” Pix4DCapture app? Do you have a link?
Hi @rpas,
Thank you for your message. I see that S&U was not defined in the article. I modified the article and explained S&U, which stands for “Support and Upgrade”. It’s a service for perpetual licenses, allowing the user to get personalized support and new software versions. S&U is always included in all monthly and yearly licenses and, in general cases, in the first year of a perpetual license.
So in short; NO!!?
To save time for all & avoid corporate responses, can you answer each question in less than 10 words?
1/ Do you intend to release a “paid” version of Pix4D Capture Pro, without the need to pay for other P4D processing products?
2/If not, what is the least expensive annual and perpetual product to gain access?
As a sole owner/pilot/trader i love the P4D Capture app, and would gladly pay something to use it independently of processing. I think there may be many in my situation. Thanks for the short concise answers in advance
Hi @Graeme_Heinrich,
Thank you for your questions.
1/ Do you intend to release a “paid” version of Pix4D Capture Pro, without the need to pay for other P4D processing products?
No, this is not planned.
If not, what is the least expensive annual and perpetual product to gain access?
This cannot be answered in less than 10 words as it should take into account several factors. I usually do not suggest to simply go for the cheapest because we think it is important that customers get something that is adding value to them.
For example, the cheapest would be a PIX4Dreact license, but this only gives 2D maps. PIX4Dcloud is a bit more expensive, but you can get 3D models, and you can use the Mission Planner to plan your missions on PIX4Dcapture Pro.
More info about the Mission Planner can be found here:
You can find product pricing here:
You may be in the US, and not using DJI products. If so, I apologize.
I came into the same issue. For now, while I still have P4Ps in the fleet, and I am not using DJI Pilot 2, - it is useful to have something to collect the imagery. Pix4D capture was a pretty good software, troublesome in controlled airspace as the work around with permissions was not integrated like in DJI Go 4 for example.
For a time, I was using an older Android device that had the old version of Pix4d Capture on it, however I found that using the iPad version of Ground Station Pro offers a very good level of support for these older drones.
Hope this helps.
I appreciate this statement. “we think it is important that customers get something that is adding value to them.”
Thank you for adding value to us clients that are (user friendly??) by allowing us to use the perpetual software without the need for support, or really any further input (or resources) from Pix. - not sure if I had really asked many questions excepting the clarification of S&U when it was not defined in the original statement. I searched long and hard for a definition of S&U and think I had figured it out before receiving a reply.
Regardless, it is useful to take the data from a site and process it 6 different ways to see how the PPK works when compared with the RTK or only GCPs or switch the GCP and Check Points around to see if the data holds up. If we had a “token” based system, this would be outrageous, and not allow us the ability to be as familiar with the software as we are - and convert this familiarity into teaching moments. Unless I am unfamiliar with how that token based system works.
I would like to suggest that to maintain the integrity of your statement “we think it is important that customers get something that is adding value to them.” It may be worthwhile to investigate opportunities to provide value to the S&U. Specifically to those users that are not “all in” for the many products you currently have, and maybe only using one small piece of the Global Pix4D empire.
Thanks for your answers.
Despite saying you couldnt, you were able (& did) answer my question 2 above in less than 10 words.
" For example, the cheapest would be a PIX4Dreact license"
I paid the circa €60 for 1 month a few months ago, and possibly would again, just to use the flight app.
However, the PRO version no longer has Freefly mode (capture at set horizontal or vertical 1 metre intervals), or returns to home at the end of a mission: it just hovers.
Will you be adding these features back in?
I truly think its a shame to have the product built but not sell it. Or have you created a licence agreement with others who use your flight mission software under another brand (DroneDeploy seems to mimic your flight movements?) which restricts you selling it yourselves?
Regardless, Pix4D Capture allowed/allows the best mission imagery quality of any software.
I hate it when companies downgrade their products. As an intense user, with Pix4D Capture Pro, you have!