My question is then how can you determine if the camera is initialized correctly with Pix4d? On a few tests I did was to take a few photos with DJI go before going over to Pix4d and the photos from DJI go stored fine on the card.
Yeah I have tried everything so far suggested and then some.
and I have experienced all of the problems described and then some.
this is an app that I found very useful but at this point it is unusable for business purposes.
all of my drivers, operating systems and apps are up to date, firmware on drone (phantom 4) and controller up to date,
tried deleting and re installing app, tried soft restart on iPad mobile device, tried re formatting so card,
tried freeing up memory on iPad 50 of 64 G available
this app used to work flawlessly.
the office software is GREAT but the capture app is not working like it used to
moving on to DD or MME until this app is reliable again
What Scott is saying above is the complete truth… I have reverted to an older version of the app (about October 2016) with which we had the chance to map effectively and flawlessly in the past
Dim, I am curious if going back to earlier version works.
How can you roll back without jailbreaking?
Did you have the chance to try the latest version that was released on Monday (2.3.0)?
If you use a previous version, we would maybe expect issues with the DJI protocol to activate the drone (more info).
Sometimes the site of mission is far away and also the clearances are not ethernal!
At a certain time camera stopped triggering, as shown in the attached screenshot and mission was aborted.
Julie can you be of some assistance to troubleshoot my issue ?
I’m also facing same issue
Drone/ Mobile : Phantom 4 Pro/ Samsung Galaxy J7
Images are not getting stored . If they are stored, they are not proper.
You can see the images not taken properly…
You can see the images not getting saved .
So the problem exists and is not mine only.
Would you kindly repeat “step by step” the procedure, including some interesting warnings like: only Pix4D Capture has to run and DJIGo hasn’t, the correct switchs of iPhone 6 between “airplane mode” on or off and so on?
Dont know Antonio. I’m facing these problems only after updating the three firmares.
DJI Go4, Pix4d capture and Ctrl+DJI
Any one from Pix4D Team please help us solve these issues
Having the same issues stated above. I have been flying a Phantom 3 Pro since April with the Pix4D Capture app and seemed to be working fine. Then I mounted a Parrot Sequoia camera onto the drone after removing the DJI camera, and that was working fine. Then in August, started having issues with the Sequoia not geotagging my images and Pix4D Desktop couldn’t process the Sequoia images anymore. So I put the DJI camera back on. Tested it in the DJI Go App and it works fine. Flew it with the Pix4D Capture app, and it flew the flight plan like it used to, but only captured images on the first and half of the second flight since remounting DJI camera. The Pix4D Capture app has not been able to trigger or save images ever since. I updated my Capture app today with no improvement. The DJI Go app still captures and saves images just fine. Something seems to have gone haywire with the Pix4D app based on the posts I am reading. Other issues seem to be plaguing the Parrot Sequoia camera as well based on those blogs. I am doing everything the same I was doing 2 months ago, just not getting the same results.
It can happen that the communication with the drone is delayed and this breaks the continuity of the mission and prevents the images from being triggered.
All key steps for using Pix4Dcapture are described here: (iOS) Getting Started.
Regarding the DJI GO (4) app, make sure to force quit before tapping START in the map view to initiative a mission.
It does not matter to have the airplane mode on or off as having Internet is not required to fly (more info).
@Suri, Antonio, Matthew
It seems like the camera is sometimes not ready to shoot but the drone still flies the mission. In the best-case scenario, a fail (red cross warning) is displayed for the camera in the take-off checklist and the drone cannot take off. Worst-case scenario is when the pilot is not notified about the problem and the drone starts the mission. As a consequence, the images are triggered but no picture is actually taken during the flight. Note that the camera icons on the Map view does not mean images are effectively taken.
To prevent the issue from happening, I would suggest to:
- Reformat the SD card with DJI GO (4) and always have the SD card empty for the first flight. If there are several flights in a row, deactivating automatic download of images from the drone to the device is preferable.
- Double check DJI GO (4) is not running in the background when starting the mission.
- When the drone takes the first pictures, switch to the Camera view. The screen should blink if the picture is effectively captured as the video feed is interrupted so the camera can shoot.
- More generally it would be better to start a new mission from scratch (turn off the drone and controller, quit Pix4Dcapture).
Note that the initialization of the camera can take some time. We would recommend to tap Cancel to restart the mission in order to refresh the takeoff checklist. The camera could be ready but the screen is not updated with the current status of the camera.
Hi, Im facing a similar issues where the drone is reporting everything is fine during the flight capturing the grid, but once it returns and I review the memory card it can be blank. This appears to happen once or twice every 10 flights. I’ve followed the instructions for preparing the drone. Everything is at the latest firmware too. Im using an Inspire 2 with a ipad for the controller.
I’m also seeing this maybe every 1 out of 10 flights or so. Inspire 2, iPhone 7+, IOS 11. All firmware on the Inspire 2 up to date, as far as I can tell. I occasionally get the warning in Pix4D that the camera could not be initialized (using the X4S). Sometimes if I cancel the mission and attempt to start it again, the error will not show up on the checklist. Other times, I have to completely restart the drone, controller and the Pix4D app in order to not get an error on the checklist.
Just last week, I flew a mission where Pix4D gave all good status before starting the mission and it didn’t take any pictures. I believe it gave a camera initialization error at first but I was able to restart the app and it did not give any errors in the checklist. The app was even showing pictures were being taken… Without realizing any issues, I flew another mission right after the first and the pictures from the second mission were taken.
I wish there was a better way to check to make sure pictures are being taken in-flight. When you only have 2-3 sets of batteries, you can’t always afford to fly an entire mission and, only after, realize that none of the pictures were taken.
This really reduces my confidence in this software, unfortunately. I really do like it but am always worried that pictures wouldn’t be taken during an important and time crititical mission.
I just tested the app with my drone again after:
- installing the latest firmware from DJI onto my Phantom 3 Pro (drone and controller)
- formated my SD card through the DJI Go app (now empty SD card)
- updating the Pix4D capture app
…and still couldn’t get the app to activate the camera. The camera is definitely recognized in the flight start-up sequence or else the drone wouldn’t even take off. The only way I was able to capture images was to manually take them with the button on the DJI controller while flying on a mission in Pix4D Capture. That is not ideal at all because my photos are not being taken at equal intervals despite my best attempts and I’m having to watch the flying drone and click the button constantly for 15 minutes. I have used the app on my phone (iPhone 5) and on a colleague’s phone (iPhone 7) with similar results. Before and after the updates, the Pix4D Capture app always showed the camera’s image in the app while flying. The camera is definitely connected, it is either not telling the camera to take a photo or not saving the photo to the SD card. As mentioned earlier, I can’t have the drone sitting on the ground waiting for the camera to initiate too long. My study area usually takes the full amount of battery to complete (minus 20% for safety). It never took very long to connect before August.
I check to see if the images are taken in flight by turning everything off after the mission. Turn everything back on, but open the DJI app to see the library of images. I can only see images/videos that I manually took using the button on the DJI controller.
I have the same problem as Paulo as in his report of July 8th
I am not sure why Pix4d does not acknowledge the problem at least. If it can’t be fixed, then we all can look for other software that will work. It seems to me dji ground station is the solution, it is working at least
This is a serious problem for me. I am on cobtract at the moment and spending $ on earth moving equipement etc. I require daily updates in mosiac and contours. In the last 10 days I flew 8 missions. The last 4 captured 0. I did test the card, software etc and tested the system with DJI Go; Go captured ther pics.
Had a similiar problem around July 2016. Capture was updated and the pics were captured.
Please anyone that can help! Using a P3 Advanced and Ipad Air 2
Hello all who have been suffering from this problem
I have been struggling with theses same issues and I have posted in the past
The answer is:
you must go into your settings in the PIX4DCAPTURE APP, you must go into your dashboard settings, you must enable advanced settings and then make sure you have selected “safe mode” instead of “fast mode”
in “safe mode” the mission is uploaded and embedded into the drone and no matter what happens with your IPad or other platform or your network connectivity the drone will complete its mission and take and store the pictures and return to home and land. Even if the APP crashes or your mobile device runs out of battery it doesn’t matter.
“safe mode” is slower so you cover less area per flight but I have a 99% mission success rate with this setting enabled.
keep in mind, if you use “fast mode” you must have flawless network and radio connectivity or you will get an empty SD card!
I was ready to throw the Pix4Dcapture APP in the trash, but in “safe mode” it works like a charm!
I have flown and mapped with other APPs and when PiX works it is my favorite, its all about safe mode, to all you pilots out there.
having said that, the APP still has hiccups, if your camera won’t connect or isn’t recognized for example you can always connect to DJI GO or GO4 APP connect to drone, start engines, take 1 photo, kill engines, then reconnect to PiX.
usually that clears up any camera connectivity issues
BTW I fly P4 and P4pro and I use an IPad, doesn’t matter it’s all about safe mode!
p.s. Since safe mode is slower you get a more stable image which can give you better data.