Hi everyone,
i am facing multiple troubles while i am processing data from a P4M. (with the last firmware)
here are the issus :
1st step :
1/ warning: no path from reference camera …
this issu is for all images .tiff
(maybe it is because I separated jpg and tiff in 2 differents files. i don’t know…)
2/ [Error]: [BundleAdjuster][minimize] no projections errors ! aborting.
I read some topics about that issue but i don’t underdstand
In the quality report, there is no area covered calculated. is it due to this issue?
Iam connected to a base GPS and RTK is fixed
3rd step :
3/[Warning]: Warning w9020: GDAL Error <1> TIFFOpen:C:/Users/GEOCAPTURE/Documents/pix4d/p4test/expé P4M/4_index/project_data/reflectance_gsd/tiles/expé P4M_transparent_reflectance_blue_1_1.tif: No such file or directory
[Warning]: Warning w9020: GDAL Error <1> TIFFOpen:C:/Users/GEOCAPTURE/Documents/pix4d/p4test/expé P4M/4_index/project_data/reflectance_gsd/tiles/expé P4M_transparent_reflectance_blue_1_1.tif: No such file or directory
[Error]: Unable to write PICs version tag: Unable to open C:/Users/GEOCAPTURE/Documents/pix4d/p4test/expé P4M/4_index/project_data/reflectance_gsd/tiles/expé P4M_transparent_reflectance_blue_1_1.tif!
this issu is for each band
i used original template from pix4D AG MULTISPECTRAL without any modification.
pix4D 4.5.6
data was acquired with a manual flight and i already know that my overlap was too small
I need some helps to understand all that issus and to resolve it.
thank you