Older version location???

We have a perpetual 4DReact license but the support and updates expired. Someone updated the software today as there was a note of an update available. I now cannot use the software. How do I get to a download of the older version so I can use it, and why does it allow us to update to a version we cannot use? Should this be blocked so this does not happen?

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Hello Eric,

I replied to your ticket on support. Thanks for notifying us about this. I shared this case with the team, so we can work on this message to avoid misunderstandings.


We are also in the same situation today. New computer so we downloaded the application from the web. We are locked out? I send a ticket and got the reply about no personal support and we could resubscribe. This is a perpetual license. I am very confused now with what was the benefit that was sold to us?


You can download older versions from https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/360037743531-Release-notes-PIX4Dreact
Let me know if this solves your issue.


That was fantastic information! That got me back to operational. Thank you!

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