Assistance to download an old version of Pix4Dmapper

Dear Community,
I want to install Pix4D on a new computer, however I need to download an old version because my Support & Updates expired Jan 22, 2020.

Before I used version 4.5.6 on another computer without problem but when I go to Pix4Dmapper technical release notes – Support and click on 4.5.6 “new release” I get the following message:
Your Support & Upgrade subscription has expired. You can only use up to version 4.4.12 of the software. Please check the license page for more details and extend your subscription.

So I clicked on the “Download valid version” and installed 4.4.12 but now I cannot log in when I launch Pix4D mapper. The error message I get is:
Error e0702d: Could not authenticate. Check your username and password.

Can anyone help me on this? It cannot be a problem with the username or password because I could log in before when I had the new version.



Welcome to the Pix4D Community.

I just noted that all the links in the release notes page, lead to the main download page.
I created a download link for you with both PIX4Dmapper versions (4.5.6 and 4.4.12)

Download Link

Please let me know if you can download and use one of these version.



Older versions can now be downloaded again from the release notes page:

Hi stlange,

were you able to download the older versions?


Yes thank you!

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Im installing in a new computer as well. Need a link to an older version too 4.5.6. I cant seem to access the link above.


Hi @lardizabalryan1,

Welcome to the Pix4D Community.
You are right. The link I provided was a custom one, and only the original user could use it.

Since then, we have managed to add all previous releases to this page:

Also, if you want to download the latest version available for your license, you can open the download page ( and log in with your account. A message will appear with a link to download the latest version available for your license.

Let me know if this work for you.