I’m using free trial at the moment and I can’t start processing because i can’t tick the boxes within the categories of 2. Point Cloud and Mesh and 3. DSM, Orthomosaic and Index. it says (not available for this section)
I’m using free trial at the moment and I can’t start processing because i can’t tick the boxes within the categories of 2. Point Cloud and Mesh and 3. DSM, Orthomosaic and Index. it says (not available for this section)
Thank you for your interest in Pix4Dmapper. Unfortunately, we are able to offer a trial license to Pix4Dmapper Pro for a limited time and we have been notified that you have requested multiple trial licenses using other Pix4D accounts in the past.
We understand that you would like to learn more so we ask that you consider taking advantage of Pix4Dmapper Discovery or a 30-day rental to Pix4Dmapper Pro.
Please keep in mind that each license to Pix4Dmapper Pro comes with a floating license, which allows you to activate Pix4Dmapper Pro on as many computers provided the number of seats included with your license.
For more information about licensing to Pix4Dmapper, please see https://mapper.pix4d.com/store/ or contact Sales filling in the following form https://www.pix4d.com/contact.
We greatly appreciate your understanding and interest and look forward to you using Pix4Dmapper into the future.