New account won't send confirmation e-mail

I am trying to sign up for an account to try out Pix4D to make sure it will work for our needs before purchasing, but the confirmation e-mail for the account won’t come through. I have tried signing in from different devices and resending the confirmation e-mail and checked the e-mail from different devices, and nothing will come through. (yes I checked the spam folder)

Thank you

Hello Philip,

Welcome to the community!

I can see that all attempts have been “softbounced” from your side. Which in the vast majority of cases means that there is some sort spam filter/firewall blocking the delivery. There is nothing we can do from our side to prevent these emails being blocked, and should be addressed with your IT department. Maybe they need to add in a whitelisted domain?

Other causes could be:
Mailbox is full (over quota).
Mailbox is not configured correctly.
Mailbox is inactive.
Recipient email server is down or offline.
Recipient email server has been sent too many emails during a period of time.
Email message is too large.
Domain name does not exist.
Email message blocked due to content.
Email message does not meet the recipient server’s policies.
Email message does not meet the recipient server’s DMARC requirements for authentication.
Email message does not meet the recipient server’s anti-spam requirements.
Email message does not meet the recipient server’s anti-virus requirements.
Email message does not meet the recipient server’s sender requirements.
Email cannot be relayed between email servers.
Email cannot be relayed for unknown reasons.

In the short term, you could sign up for a trial on another email while waiting for IT to clear the current address. I would suggest one outside of the current organization, as this is the most likely source for the current block.

Please let us know how it goes.
