MAP Grid of Australia (MGA2020)

Hello all,

Was wondering if the latest version of pix4D mapper now has the latest Australia coordinate system MGA2020.? Every Surveyor in Australia is slowly moving across to this co-ordinate system.

Hi Simon,

Yes, the latest preview version of Pix4Dmapper 4.6.1 supports GDA2020 :slight_smile: Regarding the vertical coordinate system, Pix4Dmapper doesn’t support geoids different than the global geoids EGM 84, EGM 96 and EGM 2008. That’s why AHD71 is not available. As a workaround:

  • If you have GCPs in MGA2020, you can set your vertical GCP coordinate system and vertical output coordinate system to arbitrary, but leave your collected GCP coordinates untouched. This will fit and export the vertical model according to your GCPs.
  • If you don’t have GCPs, you should import your images with that vertical coordinate system and set the vertical output coordinate system as arbitrary. No conversion will be applied for the vertical CS.
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Excellent , thanks so much…

Kind regards
