Add more "Vertical Coordinate System"


We can select only 3 “Vertical Coordinate System” (EGM 2008 Geoid / EGM 84 Geoid / EGM 96 Geoid).
( [Project] => [Select Output Coordinate System] )

Incase , Pix4Dmatic, we can select many “Vertical Coordinate System”.
Especially, I want " JGD2011 (vertical) height -EPSG:6695 (GSIGEO2011)" , latest geoid.

Best Regards.
Seiichi Takayama.

Hello Seiichi,
Thank you for your feedback.
Currently, there is no plan to add more vertical coordinate systems in Pix4Dmapper.

You can add GCPs or use the Geoid Height Above the Ellipsoid function to go to a specific geoid:

Dear Christina

Thank you quick reply.
You do not have plan to add more vertical coordinate system.

I understand alternative plan.
Plan A : Use GCPs , or Input ‘Geoid Height Above the Ellipsoid’
Plan B : Use Pix4Dmatic

Thank you.

Best Regards.
Seiichi Takayama

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