KML to Mapping area

Could you please add KMZ or KML area mapping? I mean for example i import KML file with the area which I want to capture, so Pix4D would automatically convert KML to Trajectory

Hi Lado,

Thank you for the suggestion.

Could you have a look at the following community post, Desktop flight plan, and let us know if this is what you are referring to.

If not, we would ask you for additional explanation of the feature so we can better understand the need and how would you use it.


Hello Blaz,

Of course it would be great to have Desktop Software for making Flight plants but now i mean to import KML file to Pix4D Capture app, so it will automatically draw a flight trajectory based on KML. It is similar feature at dronedeploy’s IMPORT KML file.

Estimados les consulto lo siguiente, tenemos un Parrot Anafi Work y estamos realizando relevamientos en una empresa minera. Necesitamos realizar los planes de vuelo con gran precisión y la pantalla del celular/ tablet no no los permite. Hay alguna manera de poder realizarlos en una PC con mouse o bien delimitar los vuelos introduciendo coordenadas?

Gracias, saludos

Hello @hpalacios,

The Pix4Dcapture doesn’t offer a desktop flight plan. However, you can import the .kml/.kmz file into the android version of the Pix4Dcapture app to know your boundary. This feature can be useful to you. For more information, go to our support article on (Android) Import .kml/.kmz file.


Thank you for your earlier response. Is it not possible to load the flight plan with coordinates either?


This is not possible as well.

porque no puedo importar .kml en IOS