ISOXML 3 Support

A little while back the the support for the isoXML format was introduced. lately if have been trying to load a prescription map into a isobus terminal and it wouldn’t load the map created by pix4d because it wasn’t isoxml version 3 or something. When I use a shapefile to isoxml converter created by Kverneland it does load. I don’t know in what version pix4d exports but I think it isn’t the right version for it to load in the Kverneland isobus terminal.


Hi Dennis, can you let us know the exact terminal where you want to import the map? Maybe it only supports the older version 3 and not version 4.

Pls also attach a working example. (2.8 KB)

I am using a Kverneland tellus pro terminal with a geospread fertilizer. The file above does work with the terminal but others I have tried don’t. Maybe it could be that it only supports the older format. if so, will there be coming an option to make the prescription map in an older version?

Edit: This file was exported from pix4d as a shapefile and then converted to isoxml using a program from Kverneland.

I experienced the exact same issue as Dennis. Importing the ISO XML (exported from Pix4D) in the IsoMatch Tellus go+ terminal of my Kverneland Geospread furtilizer failed. Same fault code TD. 505: 'Task data version not version 3.