Today was my first mapping mission after the long-awaited update to allow Apple users to conduct a battery swap mid-mission. I’m running a stock Phantom 4, with Pix4D Capture version 3.0.0 (61). In the picture below, you can see where the battery got low and the Phantom made a beeline for the home point, taking a random picture in the middle of the grid in the process. When I made the swap and hit resume, the Phantom took off and went almost back to where it should have, and then flew the last grid line and came back and landed safely, but did not take any pictures in the process. I didn’t try to refly that section, because it’s on the edge of my mission, and I don’t need it, but as you can see this could be problematic.
I just spoke with another (more advanced) user, and they had the same experience when using the resume feature.