Thanks John, It is only available in the app store, I have only windows and android devices, I’m not planning to buy an iPad since I’v just baught myself a €700 Crystal sky tablet, wich works just fine even in direct sunlight etc…
Drone deploy works on android and P4P v2. Just be careful as I think it has a couple bugs going on.
If you purchased the P4P+V2 (with Crystal Sky), or have added a standalone Crystal Sky to your P4PV2, then be aware that separately from support issues associated with the P4PV2, Crystal Sky is not officially supported by Pix4D either.
There are folks that have made it work, but it is not without its glitches and snags
So, I took a look at the app store this morning and noticed there was a Pix4D update (v3.3.0) bring it current to DJI’s SDK 4.6.1. No mention of the v2.0 in the release note, but just flew a successful mission this morning and will be uploading it shortly!
Danny, did you fly with the Phantom 4 Pro setting in Pix4D, or some other aircraft setting?
Looks like it did keep the setting from my P4P and the app recognized it as a V2 on the display.
Flight was uneventful and their website is processing my images now.
Pix4D, how about Android? I see Version 4.3.0 on the Play Store dated 2018/07/12, which says “Support for Mavic Air” under “WHAT’S NEW”, but I’m guessing this does not cover the P4PV2 as well given the release date and supported drones list (I have no way to test at the moment).
When might we see the Android OS app updated?
I just tried making a mission on android S8 phone. I could not get it to hook to the drone.
I believe its because the dji+ctrl app, which is required, is not compatible.
Also, once you install the dji+ctrl app, it runs in background, and that prevents dji Go from hooking.
So you have to force stop dji+ctrl after every use, and restart it manually to use.
Its a bit unslick, compared to drone deploy.
btw, I am talking about our P4P v2.
@Danny Owens:
I have not had success with the current iOS PIX4D Capture v3.3.0 with my new P4Pv2.
In the settings menu iOS PIX4D Capture it does not offer the P4Pv2, only the P4P, which while similar in camera and flight characteristics may use different calls due to OcuSync, etc.
The iOS App Store listing refers to updating per DJI SDK 4.6.1 and does not mention P4Pv2 support.
If I try to fly a mission the app does not seem to see the drone and reports battery level zero and will not fly.
Questions - are you using iOS, with PIX4D Capture v3.3.0, and using a P4Pv2? If so, anything else you may have done to make this work than might help me here?
@Mark Muntean:
That’s strange. I am flying with an iPad 10.5" iOS 11.4.1.
Ive also had today a succesfull flight with P4P V2 with iPad mini, however the photos are blurry. It looks like the auto focus does not work with the app. Afterwards I made a flight with DJI GO app with timed shot and the photos are sharp so it
s everything OK with the camera. @Danny Owens - did you noticed that your photos are not sharp?
Bah… sure enough. Checked my images and they are blurry. Reminds me of an old DroneDeploy issue where I’d have to set manual focus in Go, then swap over to their app. Wonder if that would work here? I’ll test if I get the chance.
Danny, we had a similar issue using Litchi with the P4P Pro v1 when its upgrade was first released. The work around was to fly up to where you can see some hills or structure in the distance and then tap the screen on your tablet to get it to focus to infinity. Once we have done that it works fine. See if that works for Pix4D capture
Are you saying Blurry, or out of focus? Blurry would indicate too low a shutter speed.
My experience is out of focus (as opposed to motion blur).
Just flew a quick 20 photo single grid mission with my P4P v2.0. Latest DJI firmware on aircraft and controller. Pix4D Capture 3.3.0 (27) on an iPad with latest OS.
Processed in Pix4D Mapper on Windows. Screen grab from Pix4D Mapper (mesh) below. Original images look great, clear and in focus.
Scott Karlins - At what altitude did you fly to obtain these photos? Also, if you’ve got the time, general lighting conditions and camera settings. That’s a great looking photo - the kind of detail that I like to see, even as a screen-grab.
Mission was at 90ft. Overcast conditions, Pix4D settings - Camera Angle - 90, Front Overlap - 80, Side Overlap - 70, Picture Trigger - Fast, UAS Speed - Fast, White Balance - ‘Cloudy’.
Update to my earlier posts - I finally successfully flew a PIX4D capture mission with my Phantom 4 Pro V2! The images were perfectly sharp and the Mapping process worked well.
Several users here have had issues with out of focus images. I think I might have a solution.
I spoke to a trainer with PIX4D (Angad Signh) at the DroneU Fly-In this weekend. He explained that PIX4D Capture honors the drone camera settings that were in place before PIX4D capture is started (other than turning off any RAW capture in favor of JPEG). It is important therefore to make sure you use DJI GO 4 to configure your DJI drone camera settings optimally BEFORE launching PIX4D. If the drone is in fixed focus mode or focused on something up close at the start, it might retain that setting throughout the flight.
With drones with variable focus (Like Phantom 4 Pro) you may wish to pre focus on a subject at about the same distance as your mapping altitude and set to MANUAL focus so the drone does not refocus in flight. The subsequent Mapper programs assume that the lens has not changed, and focus changes can change the lens characteristics. This may reduce the accuracy of the map tie points. Best having a fixed focus for the entire flight. Having a smaller aperture also increases depth of field in case you have variable heights above the subject images.
I am going to do some experimentation with this. My thoughts:
- Do not use ND filters - you need as much light as possible for the fastest shutter speed.
- Use manual focus preset to the desired distance (i.e. the mapping altitude).
- Pre set camera to aperture priority and to a smaller opening (higher f number) to increase depth of field if need be.
- Use a higher ISO as necessary to assure higher shutter speeds - particular in dim light.
- If needed to eliminate motion blur use SAFE mode where the drone stops for each photo - but this increases flight time.
- If not using safe mode - check drone flight speed times shutter opening time to compute motion blur and compare to GSD to make sure not an issue - as long as your motion blur is < GSD it is not a limiting factor.
Note that for drones without a global shutter (i.e rolling shutter like Mavic Air, earlier Phantoms), you can either use SAFE mode or there are optional settings in PIX4D Mapper Desktop to eliminate the distortion of a rolling shutter. This is helpful to assure an accurate mapping.
I hope all this helps.
Also - the 2018 DroneU Fly In was amazing. DroneU is putting on a two day mapping training program in San Diego this month you may wish to check out.
I also was very impressed with the consulting from PIX4D Angad Signh. He is based in San Francisco. He teaches 1 day intensive PIX4D workshops for ~$1,000 and also offers individualized consulting. Based on the two hour talk he gave at the fly-in I am confident that these programs are invaluable.