Any quick fix for this error which keeps coming when creating the Mesh:
[2024-11-17 09:53:37][01%CPU][65%RAM]Generate computed depth maps An I/O issue for the temporary data: ProjectedPointWriter::dump() I/O failure writing file C:\Users\User\OneDrive\Documents\Pix4Dmatic\NC-1 3D Mapping\processing\depthmaps\pix4d-depthcompletion-1da6-d0a7\pcl-buffer.dat with message: ios_base::badbit set: iostream stream error
[2024-11-17 09:53:37][01%CPU][65%RAM][Generate computed depth maps] Error
[2024-11-17 09:53:37][01%CPU][65%RAM]Generate computed depth maps Generation of depth maps failed
Processing time 23m 19s
My SSD Hard Drive (C) has 224 GB free. WHat might be the issue?