Highest Quality Settings for a 3D Model


I want the absolute hgihest quality model possible to export as an OSGB at the end. Other than putting things on “high” is there a list of the best settings i could use or is it very dependant on the project?

The model is to be geolocated in a 3D GIS.



Hi Rob,

The OSGB output will depend on the quality of your texture mesh in the first place. If you wish to obtain results with the highest resolution, you can use the Full processing template: Full Processing vs Rapid / Low Resolution.

Subsequently, you need to tweak the parameters Number of Levels and Texture Quality.

The Number of Levels allows defining the number of different levels of details to be generated and it varies between 1 and 7. The higher the number of levels, the more detailed the representation and the longer the processing time. Please note that, for large projects, it might happen that the LOD cannot be generated for a high number of levels as there is a maximum number of 20000 triangles that can be generated for each level of detail.

The Texture Quality allows defining the resolution of the texture. It is possible to select Low (512x512), Medium (1024x1024) and High (4096x4096).

Hopefully this helps.


Hi Rob,
Thanks for your interest in Pix4D. I wish I could say there is a special setting to make the absolute highest quality model possible. The quality, clarity, and consistency (overlap) of your images will play the biggest part in producing a high-quality model.

Be sure to capture images from the “perspective” that you anticipate viewing the model from. The double grid with oblique camera angle flight pattern and Orbital/Point of Interest (POI) missions provide data that works well and can be done mostly automated. For the best quality models, you may find that you need to add in some low level/terrestrial photos to capture the object/area being modeled from the angle you ultimately want to view the model.

There was a blog post last year that you may find helpful, ‘Lots of pictures: how to 3D model a complex structure’ were they made a very detailed model of a wood milling operation. If you are interested in modeling smaller objects, check out, How to 3D model a small object using photogrammetry.

I hope these tips help. Practice makes perfect when it come to photography

Aaron Woods