I’m using Pix4d for a week now, but i have’nt found out yet how i can create a 3D model from the photographs i have taken. So my first question is, how can i do this? And if this is possible, is it also possible to create a 3D model without losing texture quality? The reason for this is, i want to check the model for dents and rust.
Best regards,
Hello Blame,
Your texture quality will potentially be affected by the accuracy of your 3D model.
To obtain the best possible 3D model, we would suggest you to:
Since there is a limit in the maximum number of triangles (10’000’000) and texture size (16384x16384), it is possible to divide the project into several subprojects, and then use the maximum resolution for each sub-datasets. Finally you should merge the results (different 3D Textured Meshes) with an external software.
The absolute accuracy of the outputs should be expected to be 1-2 pixels (GSD) horizontally (X and Y coordinates) and 2-3 pixels (GSD) vertically (Z coordinate) if you have GCPs. Without GCPs, the model will be accurately located with an error of 5 m (XY coordinates) and 10 m (Z coordinate) using image geotaggs recorded by basic drone GPS.
Best regards,