I need the possibility to generate multiple folder in the object section under polylines or surfaces? I need to draw hundreds of polylines/surfaces of different types and export each type as a dxf-file. In Pix4Dmapper it is not possible to select multiple polylines and export them to one dxf-file. I need the ability to group and select annotations in Pix4Dmapper.
Hi Karsten,
We recently released a new product Pix4Dsurvey that can do exactly that, draw polygons and polylines and group them in layers.
It is also possible to export layers one-by-one or all together in a .dxf file.
More in the Pix4Dsurvey - Export article.
I would recommend downloading Pix4Dsurvey and importing your Pix4Dmapper into it. Just drag and drop the .p4d file into Pix4Dsurvey and you are ready to start vectorizing and assigning objects to layers.
Let us know how it goes!