Grid of points area only

Would it be possible, when creating a grid of points, to select the area where those points would be created, instead of the entire project?
Sometimes it’s hard to erase the Grid Points on areas that we want to use exclusively terrain layers for building our TIN

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Hello @Jorge_Santos ,

Unfortunately, PIX4Dsurvey does not have the option to use a region of interest as a PIX4Dmatic.

But you can create the grid for this area if you temporarily assign these points to any class (Terrain or ASPRS), and use that as a filter when generating the grid.

In the image below, I have assigned the points to a new ASPRS class “grid”, and I have executed the grid process using only this class.

I hope this can solve your problem

Best regards,


Thanks. That’s a good workflow that will help me considerably

Rafel Fibla via Pix4D Community <> escreveu (sexta, 22/11/2024 à(s) 08:10):

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