Grandfather Perpetual License Holders Cloud Access

I’m outraged by Pix4D continuing to move the goal post on cloud access. I know I cannot be the only one frustrated by the limitations that were imposed in early 2019 and now the complete removal of access to the cloud after S&U expires.

Pix4D has continued to ignore the early adopters that funded and allowed for their success and software improvements by purchasing a perpetual license early (2017). The new Cloud Advance is years behind in functionality to Dronedeploy and other cloud based solutions yet they are now requiring a subscription to access on top of the initial perpetual license fee that included Cloud access at the time of purchase.

I chose Pix4D because of the accuracy and control over the processing steps and I had the ability to upload projects to the cloud for client access. I have years worth of projects that my clients still need access to in a web viewer. I rarely ever utilize the cloud processing features as they do not allow for manual intervention between steps and use it primarily as a web viewer for my clients.

It’s unfortunate that over the years Pix4d is bringing less value to me year after year as they continue to up charge for basic functionality that is included in competing products for no charge.

Pix4D has chosen to bastardize its solutions into a la carte subscriptions so they can charge for new development and features. I can understand this if it’s a completely new product but not when it’s basic mapping features and tools that are enhancements to Pix4D Mapper.

Pix4D Mapper has all but been forgotten about from a development standpoint in lieu of cloud solutions.

As a consolation to their absurd new policy, select few got an added paragraph to their email notification that stated: “In light of this change, we are pleased to announce that an additional one (1) month Pix4Dcloud access free of charge will be automatically added to your account.”

SMH, what a joke!

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So is there an alternative viewer we can use for clients, if we process information locally using Pix4D? Im also frustrated as I only purchased a perpetual 9 months ago.

That is what I used Pix4D Cloud for. However I own the original perpetual license that was $8700 and included 2 desktop licenses and cloud access. The new perpetual, not sure when they begin offering it, is a single license and no cloud access at a reduced rate $4990. I also pay annual S&U at $870 (10% of the original license cost) where the new perpetual license holders pay only $499 for the same exact thing.

To answer your question directly, I have asked Pix4D if they would offer a web interface view only solution without “cloud processing” and have been told there is no plans for that.

So will the new perpetual still be able to get the Cloud for 10% per annum? Or will we be able to get it for 10% per annum (as per our orignal sign-up)? Or am I assuming that this will be stopped which is what this is all about?

Per email sent 8/31/20:

Cloud access is stopped effective 10/1 or when your S&U Expires for perpetual license holders. Cloud access will need to be purchased separate of desktop licenses at $165/month - $290/month per their pricing page.

Separation of Pix4Dmapper and Pix4Dcloud

- Starting from Oct 1st -

Hello David

You are receiving this email because you are a Pix4Dmapper user. As you may have noticed, Pix4D has released many new software and cloud solutions in the past months, including Pix4Dmapper version 4.5, offering survey-grade deliverables faster than ever before.

To reflect the evolution of Pix4D’s product portfolio and to provide the best products to our customers, we are adjusting our offering to more accurately reflect the value users get from the service and to make room for further development. This is why, on October 1st, 2020, Pix4Dcloud will no longer be included with Pix4Dmapper.

Three years ago, a cloud platform was added to Pix4Dmapper to explore the value and possibilities of an online processing and sharing tool. This platform quickly opened up new opportunities and enabled the creation of new workflows for customers. During this time, Pix4Dmapper users benefited from cloud processing as a free option. The truth is that Pix4Dcloud can now do a lot more than what we even thought possible three years ago. In light of this evolution and on the basis of a growing customer demand, the importance to create a new standalone cloud product became evident to us.

In response, on June 9th, 2020, Pix4Dcloud & Pix4Dcloud Advanced were launched as online photogrammetry solutions for mapping, progress tracking, and site documentation.

What does this mean for you?

We will honor our commitment to you:

  • You will continue to have access to Pix4Dcloud until the expiry of your current Support & Update subscription.
  • Your cloud allowance remains unchanged for the duration of your subscription.

For new Pix4Dmapper Support & Updates purchases

Starting on October 1st, 2020, access to Pix4Dcloud will not be available with new Pix4Dmapper Support & Updates purchases, without changes in pricing.

To continue to benefit from cloud functionalities, Pix4Dcloud or Pix4Dcloud Advanced can then be purchased as standalone products. Schools and universities may also be eligible for Pix4D educational licenses.

For any questions, including what will happen to your projects stored on the cloud, have a look at our detailed FAQ, contact your Pix4D authorized reseller, or contact us directly.

We truly hope this change will not cause any major inconvenience to you. We appreciate your business and are committed to continue providing you with industry leading products and services.

Your Pix4D team

I’m in the same boat as you David. Was planning to write about the same things. First I was shocked and now I’m just sad. I bought the perpetual license 2017. Since then the sofware updates to Pix4Dmapper have been quite few only 1 update in 1 year. Seems to me that they are focusing only in bringing new products and forgetting all the old users. I’m paying 800€ in S&U. I cant find any reason why I should continue doing so.

Like you I’m doing all the processing locally and only uploading results to cloud. This is least what they should include to S&U.

ATM in looking for alternatives to Pix4D…

Hi David,
Thanks for posting your questions and feedback.
Pix4Dmapper as a perpetual license is a desktop one and it is possible to add cloud processing on top of it.
I will answer your questions and assist you with further information in a private email,

Dear Jaako,

I am sorry to hear your opinion.

I will contact you by email with information about the wide range of options and offers you have with Pix4D.

In any case, I would like to underline that version 4.5.6 (released in March 2020) can calibrate images and generate a dense point cloud on average 20% faster than the previous version.



I understand that and appreciate that release (4.5.6), I usually dont upgrade right away as I want to let the bugs get sorted out. However, with 4.5.6 I upgraded soon after release and have been happy.

However, enhancements to Pix4D Mapper are what I pay S&U for.

Maybe my perception is skewed coming from working nearly 9 years for a GIS Mapping Developer here in the US, but we did 1,000s of enhancements per year with 2 major releases annually. They were always covered under support and maintenance agreements. Yes, we developed and offered new products but our core was continually enhanced to bring more value each year to our customers.

Hi I am in the same situation, perpetiual license since many years. Customers that still need acess to the cloud and now I get a price increase of 427% to have acess to the cloud??? And with a couple of months notice, with that policy I would not have any customers.

I also think its just sad.


The same has now also affected me and my perpetual license from 2016
Received an offer to pay to join Cloud Advanced but chose to continue with the regular Cloud solution as Advanced only contained the GCP functions
Got the assurance that Cloud would be included if I paid for the service and the upgrade cost as usual and want to really assure me about this through questions, see below
Now I have to pay 2200 Euro to keep the cloud ???
Can not be correct?
PS My Desktop Mapper turned them into BIM programs. and then back to Mapper …

Me: 1 If I choose to continue with my regular BIM Desktop with service agreements, upgrades and support, then the annual cost goes up as usual and I have access to both desktop and cloud but not the advanced features? That is to say … Cloud remains but with current features (= not processing Ground control points and any future features)

Pix4d: Correct.

Me: 2 If I continue with BIM Desktop and Cloud and not “advanced”, will I be able to upload images / results anyway the same and be able to use the measurement / volume and section tools?

Pix4d: Yes, but without the time feature and therefore the volume comparison over time functionality

Me: If I choose Cloud advanced until 2022, will I be able to revert to my current service subscription with regular cloud after that or will that opportunity be lost?

Pix4d: Yes, today this is the case.

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Add me to the list of exploring my options and I’ve been using desktop loyally since 2015! I like being able to dump my product in the cloud but the cloud service isn’t really all that special, all that customizable nor all that comparable to desktop IMO. It’s a nice tool for sharing and allowing others to view.

I VERIFIED just like Thomas Erdegard above me that if we continued our perpetual maintenance that cloud would be included. The answer I was told was yes so I paid for two years in advance and now Pix4D is going to pull this???

You guys need to honor your commitment to the long time user base. Competition is growing every day. Having a reputation as a bait and switch company who doesn’t honor their commitments is not the smart move.

That’s not even considering that Pix4D is now no longer delivering the services I was promised for the renewal of my perpetual license with cloud being included. Smells like breach of contract to me.

As an academic and educational user pretty disappointed too. We use the software in teaching and research exposing potential future commercial users to this software. I know we get educational licensing discounts and pay yearly maintenance but sad now we cant use the cloud function without additional yearly payment. We had some cool projects shared for public outreach but this has all been removed now as we cant share our previous cloud projects. I’m not in the position to pay the new cloud fees. Shame this is now a added pay for use feature.

Conor. QUB Belfast.