Geotag GoPro images with a Pixhawk Log File using Mission Planner and known coordinate system

I retrieved logs from the 3DR Solo on Windows with WinSCP and i also use Mission Planner to download the binary logs from the 3DR Solo, then i added geotags to my GoPro images with a Pixhawk Log File using Mission Planner. But it crashed for geolocation either from file or geotags images and coord.system.


[Error]: Failed coord converter comparison!

[Error]: Input image coord.system WGS84 (egm96)

[Error]: Input gcp coord.system WGS84 / UTM zone 35N (egm96)

[Error]: Input output coord.system WGS84 / UTM zone 35N (egm96)

[Error]: Result image coord.system WGS84 (egm96)

[Error]: Result gcp coord.system WGS84 / UTM zone 35N (egm96)

[Error]: Result output coord.system WGS84 / UTM zone 35N


Dear Omer,

From what we understand, you wrote the geolocation information in the EXIF metadata of the images. It looks like the software was unable to read them. Can you please send us a sample of 5 consecutive images of your project and we will inspect them and try to reproduce the behavior on our side. 

Best regards,

I am having the same issue. Any findings?

Dear Steve,


Geolocating the images is with exif-xml/p4d best, csv-cmd/p4d possible and log parser-loading from a flight log worst preference.

I geotagged images with Pixhawk Log File and Mission Planner wasn’t sufficent and exactly on fligt path so discarded.

But you may try it. Give it a try.

Related links:

How to geolocate the Images so that the Geolocation is imported in Pix4Dmapper

How To Retrieve Logs from the 3DR Solo on Windows Using WinSCP

Manually geotagging the images EXIF images with Mission Planner


Is there an easy way to retrieve the timestamp of each .bin log record in a csv or excel file ?

Why don’t you use MP georef images?…

Geo-tagging Images in Mission Planner

Geotagging Images with Mission Planner

Geotagging Images with Mission Planner


Geotag GoPro Images with a Pixhawk Log File (

Geotag GoPro Images with a Pixhawk Log File