I was quite keen to try out the auto GCP function, most of our surveys require some GCP correction. I imported my images from our DJi P4 pro expecting them to be georeferenced, but cloud says they are not, therefore no GCP’ing or epsg:2193 output coordinates .
Hi @software6, Welcome to Pix4D Community!
I imported my images from our DJi P4 pro expecting them to be georeferenced
Did you check that image geotags are correct? You can use exiftool for this propopuse. If you confirm that the geotags are fine, please could you post a screenshot with the issue?
therefore no GCP’ing or epsg:2193 output coordinates
In the following article, we set some requirements for using the autoGCP detection functionality. I strongly suggest you to check the format of the GCP file; maybe this is the issue. AutoGCPs detection functionality - PIX4Dcloud Advanced
About the epsg:2193 output coordinates, it is possible to select it by search by the code directly on the Output Coordinate System bar, see the following screenshot:
I hope this information was useful for you.
Let us know if you have further questions or concerns.
Have a very nice day!
best regards,