FLIR Duo Pro R images in Pix4D: Error converting FLIR images

Pix4D mapper throws this error when I try to load images in a project. “pix4d Error converting FLIR image: Unable to write visual image”. “FLIR extraction canceled by user”.

It worked a couple of times earlier when I used it last month but unfortunately not anymore.

P.S: The proprietary file format is JPG and contains one thermal image and one RGB image captured by a FLIR Duo Pro R and a multispectral camera separately. When the images got added last time, Pix4D creates a folder “Converted” that contains visual images (JPG) and associated thermal images (tif).

Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in Advance.

Hello @j.lone, Pix4Dmapper uses the FLIR tool to convert the RJPG images to TIFF files. So, when you insert the RJPG images, it will convert them to a TIFF file and then process those TIFF files to generate the reflectance map. The TIFF files are saved inside the converted folder where your original images are located. If this is not happening with the RJPG images, then there might be some issue with the metadata of the thermal images.

Thank you for the reply @Kapil_Khanal
I don’t see any associated files like metadata or EXIF in the windows explorer folder. How could I access the metadata/EXIF files of the images?

You can use Exiftool.

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