Failed to stitch images from Micasencse Rededge P


I am new to Pix4dFields, trying to stitch a dataset generated using the Micasense Rededge P which is apparently supported.

I have tried both the rapid and detailed options and unless I limit the whole orthmosaic size to 50Mp(!) which is basically useless, all I get is “Error 0009 - An error occurred while stitching the images”

This happens somewhere after 40% completion (not sure how far as running overnight as it’s so slow.

Currently on day 1 of the free trial.

Can anyone assist pls?



Is your dataset of good quality? PIX4Dfields requires:

  • Grid missions.
  • Minimum 75%side and 80% front lap recommended.
  • Nadir images (images looking down)
  • Minimum 40mts height.



Yes, data is fine.

I solved it in the end: the files for processing need to be in their own folder on the Desktop, if they are in a folder within another folder then the software tries to process multiple (unselected!) datasets too and then falls over.

Most peculiar, but hey ho.


Great it was solved.


Hi all,

A new article related to R0009 and it’s main causes has been published: