Export to pdms or aveva 3D

Dear all, anyone have experience export the 3d model to pdms or aveva 3d?

Hi  Ahmad,

We do not have experience with these software.

Pix4Dmapper exports the 3D point cloud in several file formats: .las,.laz,.ply,.xyz


and the 3D textured mesh in .ply,.fbx,.dxf,.obj


Most probably, some of these output file formats will be compatible with the software you are interested in.

Best regards,

Christina Gkintzou


Did this get solved?

We have the same issue now and are looking for a solution…

Hey Simon, 

You will find all the outputs that Pix4D software generates as well as the software with which we have tested our outputs here:


We are not familiar with the aveva 3D. Which third-party software are you using?