Experiencing numerous errors lately. Here is the latest and worst one.

[Error]: Failed to read D:/Photogrammetry/Serpent_Mound/Serpent_8_2_16/serpent_mpund_8_2_16_2/temp/dense/serpent_mpund_8_2_16_2_group1_raw_part_5.tmp

[Error]: Generating tiles failed!

[Error]: \>\>\>Generating tiles\<\<\< failed with error (failed to run a step!)!

[Error]: \>\>\>Generating tiles\<\<\< failed with error (failed to run a step!)!

[Error]: Processing group group1 failed!

[Error]: \>\>\>Processing group group1\<\<\< failed with error (failed to run a step!)!

[Error]: \>\>\>Processing group group1\<\<\< failed with error (failed to run a step!)!

[Error]: Dense Processing failed!

[Error]: \>\>\>Dense Processing\<\<\< failed with error (failed to run a step!)!

[Error]: \>\>\>Dense Processing\<\<\< failed with error (failed to run a step!)!

[Error]: Dense matching failed!

[Error]: \>\>\>Dense matching\<\<\< failed with error (failed to run a step!)!

[Error]: \>\>\>Dense matching\<\<\< failed with error (failed to run a step!)!

[Processing]: Substep Dense matching finished.

[Processing]: Step1Done

[Warning]: Triangulate mtp20 error: 56.9814(75.052)

[Warning]: Triangulate mtp29 error: 62.655(75.4313)

[Warning]: Triangulate mtp20 error: 56.9814(75.052)

[Warning]: Triangulate mtp29 error: 62.655(75.4313)

Hi Jamie, 

We would make sure that you have enough RAM on your computer. Please check if the hardware specifications correspond to the minimum requirements in this article: https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/202557289

If there is enough RAM for the type of project (number of images) you are processing, it might be that there is not enough RAM available to the process. To increase the available RAM, we would restart the computer and make sure that there is no other software running in parallel to Pix4D. 

Another aspect that should be checked, is if you have the read/write access to the drive, in this case to D:/ . This can sometimes also create issues. 

