Error e0709

When I upgraded to the latest version of Pix4D, the error “e0709” appeared, saying that my computer’s date / time is incorrect. But I ensure that the date / time is set correctly, however, after several attempts, I could not run the software again.

Please, help me.



Ivo Ramos Neto - Somar Meta

Dear Somar,

Thank you for reaching out to Pix4D support.

  • Have you confirmed that the time zone is correct as well? 

Can you please try the following;

First, ensure that there is no current version installed.
1.  In the Search Windows type, type program and select Add or remove programs in the Settings list.
2. Scroll to find Pix4D Desktop and click the application if it exists.
3. Click Uninstall if it exists.

After you have ensured that there are no versions installed, check that the files below do not exist: 
1. On the path where Pix4D desktop (Pix4Dmapper) is installed: C:\Program Files\Pix4Dmapper make sure this folder does not exist anymore. If it exists, DELETE this Pix4Dmapper folder.
2.  On the following path: C:\Users\pix4d\AppData\Local\pix4d make sure this folder does not exist anymore. If it exists, DELETE this Pix4Dmapper folder.
3.  C:\Users\pix4d\Documents\pix4dmapper make sure this folder does not exist anymore. If it exists, DELETE this Pix4Dmapper folder.
4.  On windows the search bar type: regedit and then search for the folder stored in the path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\pix4d and make sure this folder does not exist anymore. If it exists, DELETE this Pix4Dmapper folder.
5.  Restart the computer. 

Now install the latest version 4.1.23:

Please let me know if after making these changes you are still experiencing the same issue.



Yo tengo el mismo problema y a pesar de seguir los pasos descritos y borrar todos los ficheros y el registro, al volver a instalar tras el reinicio vuelve a darme el mismo mensaje de error “e0709”. ¿alguna sugerencia más?

Tengo el mismo problema, ahora tampoco puedo iniciar cesión en una versión anterior del software.

Hello all. Here are a few things that you should check / may want to try.

Are you trying to access the computer remotely? If so, the date on one of the two computers may be incorrectly set? 
It might be that the license has been activated on the remote device and the time in this device was set in the future. 
If this is the case, the software might be confused. 

Could you please try to change the time on the current device and then log in to make sure that this is not the case?

Can you also confirm that the time zone is correctly set? Not only the time but also the time zone. 

Which version do you have installed? 

I am having non stop issues with this error.  Sometimes after I re-install it still won’t start. Yes, I have the correct time zone and date.  I am not trying to log in remotely?  What the heck is going on.  I have 50 flights that I have been working on and have several deadlines and this is really putting a kink in me meeting those deliverables.  A real Solution Please!  I have the most recent beta version installed.

Dear Dan, 

We apologize for the inconvenience. Given that your Date/Time is set correctly and you have tried what my colleague Holden suggested (see his comments above), could you please try to remove your internet connection and log in again to our software? Do you get the same error?

Looking forward to your response,

Hello. Me too, I have the same issue. Every time I try to connect, here we go, the same error message. Error e0709. I checked the date of my trial account activation, I tried all the things you mentionned above, still not working. I dont know what to do. Please, can you help. I don’t know if the simplest way to help is to synchronyze the time  the server register my account with my local time. Please, help me.

Hi Bennyjess,

Thank you for your patience. I see that you activated your computer with your license to Pix4Dmapper shortly after you joined the conversation. We would greatly appreciate it if you let us know what you did to activate your computer after receiving error e0709.

You can always verify the status of your Pix4D license at

Do not hesitate to let us know if you have any questions.

I am also having this issue, The only program on my computer that causes this is Pix4d.  I have tried re-installing and the other suggested listed above.  Please fix this issue or I will need to look at other processing software.  Pix4d is not dependable and has caused considerable grief due to this simple issue. 

I figured out the issue was actually select the name of the time zone you are in. For instance, I selected a UTC zone that was true for my location, but if I selected Pacific time zone name(for where I am at), it fixed it. In other words make sure you select the time so name you are at and not the utc corrected time zone…

I think I selected the time zone for western Mexico which was the same as Pacific, but the software knows I was not in Mexico. Hope this makes sense.

Hi Dan,

Thank you for sharing how you were able to fix this issue. I think your example will help many users!


Sorry for the delay and for not sharing my solution long time ago. Thank You. I made a comparison between 2 computers. I checked the date and time setting. I figured out, that my desktop was having that issue cause of a different time. So I used, the good setting of the laptop to solve the problem. Check all setting and make changes. Thank You.

Thank you Benny for sharing, I’m glad that it works for you.


Go to setting >date&time. Below time zone option you will find 'synchronize time" (windows time). re-log in to pix4d app

It work on me

Hi @ekosusanda.ui,

Welcome to the Pix4D Community :handshake: and thank you for sharing your feedback about how you solved the problem on your side. We are happy to hear that you could resume working with PIX4Dmapper.
