I am new to using pix4D, I am trying the trial version to see if we could adopt it in our lab.
I keep having this error ([Error]: Generating grayscale normalized image: cannot open image C:/Users/dhelman-lab/Documents/pix4d/Gb/GBB/1_initial/project_data/normalised/M2.jpg for writing. No such file or directory.
[Error]: Generate normalized/thumbnail images failed!).
My disk has free space of about 150GB. What could be the issue?
Please share suggestion.
Welcome to Pix4D Community!
We would need more details to assist most efficiently. Could you please send us the following?
▸ The quality report (.pdf format): …\project_name\1_initial\report\project_name_report.pdf
▸ The project log file (text file): …\project_name\project_name.log
▸ The project file (.p4d): …\project_name.p4d
Also, I would like to ask you if you are processing with an SSD?
I look forward to your response.
Best regards,
Thank you for your response.
I currently use two disk. My C drive is SSD.
I have attached all you requested, but I am unable to attach the log file here due to size.
report.xml (8.0 KB)
Yishi_trial.p4d (16.5 KB)
Yishi_trial.zip (55.3 KB)
I am attaching it here as a zip file
Hi @dhelmanlab
Could you please describe your whole workflow, and what you are trying to achieve? (Flight plan, camera/drone used/processing options, computer system specs)
From what we can see from the current information is you might be using an external drive to access the photos. The error seems to suggest that PIX4Dmapper cannot find the images. Can you move the images to a local drive, or confirm they are locally stored? See PIX4Dmapper Crash Troubleshooting for more info. When reviewing the attached log file, PIX4Dmapper is unable to read the camera model. Please confirm the camera model.
Can you please try to open a new project following the suggestions in the New project in PIX4Dmapper documentation? If the issue persists please attach the quality report, and log files from this attempt.
Best regards,
Thank you for your response.
I am trying to do an orthomosaic of a few orthorectified tiff images.
I use the DJI M600, Hyperspectral camera.
Computer system spec: Intel(R) Core™ i7-9700 CPU @ 3.00GHz, 64gb RAM.
I have moved the images to my local drive C. I think the Software is identifying the different channels (bands) of my image. An it also doesn’t identify my camera when I decide to save them as jpg.
I have followed the procedure again and same error.
Test3.log (20.6 KB)
report.xml (8.0 KB)
Thank you for your time.
Hi @dhelmanlab
Thank you for sharing the information regarding your camera used, computer specs, and the workflow.
It is my understanding that the hyperspectral camera used is not being supported at the moment. One suggestion to try is if there are individual images for each band to create a rig. Could you please try to process and let us know if this will work?
About how to process hyperspectral images, I suggest reviewing the article below. It will detail some of the particulars of this type of imagery.
Can hyperspectral images be processed?
I hope this will help. Please feel free to keep us posted.
Best regards,