Due to the large file sizes Pix4D programs create ....

… it would be great if the utilities can help us move files and folders to different drives effortously. I have drives that fill-up quicky and it would be great if Pix4D Mapper, Matic and Survey to name a few can hold the hand of the user and move those large directories to different specified drives. Perhaps this feature is already there and I am blind. Thank you team.

Hi Edmond, thanks for your feedback, and I have forwarded it to the relevant teams. Cheers

Thank you Rhea!

We’re considering to get the software “Survey” after being shown the great possibilities to draw objects and lines for export to other programs from point clouds in 3D. But one of our main concernes are the large files built up in connection to the projects. So it would sure be great if the “moving issues” could be addressed in an easy way. It would make it an easier decision for us to go ahed and buy the product.

Hi @edmond_matevosian

With PIX4Dmapper, to move an entire project to another location, I suggest you use the Save As… option, this will create a new .p4d file in the new location with all the project folders.

For PIX4Dmatic and PIX4Dsurvey, this option is not available yet, and I forwarded your request to the product team

Hi @anders.theodorsson,

Welcome to the Pix4D Community :handshake: and for sharing your feedback.

I forwarded your request to the product team.
