DSM output all white

When I try to view my DSM .tif file outside of Pix4D in an image viewer it shows up as the outline of what the image should look like, but filled with all white. Looks fine in the software viewer. This occurs in windows and mac beta. Anyone else experience this?



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I have the same issue with DSM and DTM.

I am also experiencing this. Have you gotten any answers outside of this thread?

Turns out the file can’t be viewed in an image viewer due to it not being an image. It must be opened in a GIS software. I opened in Arc and works fine. QGIS should work fine as well.




Hi Peter

I am having the same problem I cannot view my DTM or DSM processed.
Everything looks black and white, I have installed QGIS as your intructions but the images tif file is still black and white.
Also Windows photo viewer should be able to view, but seems cannot.
Need urgent help

I am also uploading my QR for reference
Part C done, 2nd process_report.pdf (991.7 KB)

Hi @ganerdene.qc In QGIS what you see is grayscale, Pix4D exports the DSM raster in grayscale. You can colorize it in QGIS. This should help: 8.2. Lesson: Changing Raster Symbology. Also, note that the DSM cannot be displayed by standard image viewers, like Windows Image Viewer, because it is a floating point file.