Desktop - Product feedback

Please list your requests, suggestions and things you don’t like below and I will add to the list in this post. Remember that when suggesting new features, the most crucial part is that you explain what the real pain point is in the workflow. Hence, the best suggestions would be those that not only give an idea of a feature, but that explain why you need it and why it is crucial to the use case you work with. This enables a deeper understanding of the issue and a better way to prioritize the suggestions.


Summary List - not prioritized

  1. Add right-click functionality to disable cameras in the raycloud view. Right now the camera selection is on the far left and the button to disable is on the far right so when there are 20-30 cameras to disable it is a very long process. An alternative would be to select multiple cameras at once and then click the disable button just once.
  2. Add feedback calculation information on number of clusters and number of cameras when changing the RAM allotment.  Right now it is critical to the speed, quality and number of points generated in the point cloud to the number of clusters processed.  This is only adjustable by trial and error by adjusting the RAM slider and running Step 2.  There are many, nearly all, projects that run faster and better by reducing the RAM.
  3. Add email feedback on single functions being completed, like reoptimize and generate mesh, instead of just for the 3 Steps.  Right now there is no notification when reoptimizing when combining sub-projects, which needs to be done every project merge. Most of us have dedicated processing computers and thus walk away to do something else so we need that email to know if the reoptimize/mesh is done in 15 minutes or 5 hours.
  4. How about an image enhancement option when picking control points?  Surveyors seem to love white spraypaint on light colored rocks.  It would be great to be able to tweak the image tone to be able to see these better.
  5. In previous versions of pix, I could look at the layers that the dtm process classified (low veg, hi veg, buildings, etc)  I would love to see that option back in the mix.  The dtm does a good job… sometimes.  When it removes thing that I didn’t want it to, it would be nice to be able to put them back.  Vice versa, it it didn’t remove things that I wanted it to, I can take care of that as well.  I like that it did most of the work, and that I could come in and adjust fine details.
  6. I would like to be able to select points by color.  For instance: I create a point group called ground. I choose points that I know are ground points. A color tolerance is created from the points I choose (adjustable tolerance would be nice but exact RGB value would be a great start). All points within that tolerance are then placed in the “ground” point layer. This would be a HUGE time saver in cleaning the point cloud for “snow” effect noise when pictures have sky and clouds in the background.
  7. I would like to have the ability to generate mesh files based upon point groups that I choose.  This would allow me to keep the classification for veg, buildings, etc.  that I have assigned to other point groups instead of having to dump everything that I do not want to be used into the “deleted” point group.
  8. An option to import shp / kml files into the point cloud, without having to do so as a processing area, would be great.  
  9. For thermal:  When i change the thermal range or properties and export, it would be nice if it didn’t overwrite the existing file.  A “save as” option would be great.
  10. For thermal:  It would be great to be able to apply the thermal values (color scale) from the index tab to the point cloud for 3D visualization.  It would also be great to be able to use those values as the texture file for the 3D mesh.
  11. On the right-hand sidebar: Add 2D/3D angle value of polyline intersection along with other and current outputs statistical data.  Polyline intersection angles and or slope values. (see screenshot from Gary La Mantia below)
  12. In the rayCloud editor:  Ability to place MTP’s at polyline intersections to find other important geometric points not necessarily in cloud data.
  13. For animations: Option to right-click on an animation name to get a drop-down option box with play and other functions instead of leaving the right-hand sidebar open and occupying screen real-estate during play-back. Tool set to design, edit and modify trajectories and assign POI for more professional and appealing animations of subject matter. Basic geometries such as circles and ovals around classes / groups selected in Tie points.
  14. Possibly moving far left-hand tabs (Home, Map View, rayCloud, etc) to top of workspace with drop- downs for further options / features.  These button are very large for what then do.
  15. In Pix4d project configuration file, the ability to edit GUI fonts/colors/workspace configurations.


Compiled list from this thread updated on Sep 1, 2017.


Yes it’s a start.

Still hoping for 3dconnexion support.

I have a number of GUI question as well.

How about an image enhancement option when picking control points?  Surveyors seem to love white spraypaint on light colored rocks.  It would be great to be able to tweak the image tone to be able to see these better.

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Thank you for starting this thread.  Here are some of my requests.

  • In previous versions of pix, I could look at the layers that the dtm process classified (low veg, hi veg, buildings, etc)  I would love to see that option back in the mix.  The dtm does a good job… sometimes.  When it removes thing that I didn’t want it to, it would be nice to be able to put them back.  Vice versa, it it didn’t remove things that I wanted it to, I can take care of that as well.  I like that it did most of the work, and that I could come in and adjust fine details.
  • Mark’s idea above is a good one.  I’d like to take it one step further.  I would like to be able to select points by color.  For instance:
  1. I create a point group called ground.
  2. I choose points that I know are ground points.
  3. A color tolerance is created from the points I choose (adjustable tolerance would be nice)
  4. All points within that tolerance are then placed in the “ground” point layer
  5. I cry tears of joy because I don’t have to manually select all of those points.
  • I would like to have the ability to generate mesh files based upon point groups that I choose.  This would allow me to keep the classification for veg, buildings, etc.  that I have assigned to other point groups instead of having to dump everything that I do not want to be used into the “deleted” point group.
  • An option to import shp / kml files into the point cloud, without having to do so as a processing area, would be great.  
  • For thermal:  When i change the thermal range or properties and export, it would be nice if it didn’t overwrite the existing file.  A “save as” option would be great.
  • For thermal:  It would be great to be able to apply the thermal values (color scale) from the index tab to the point cloud for 3D visualization.  It would also be great to be able to use those values as the texture file for the 3D mesh.
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I want to highlight Chris’s second point about color classification in the point cloud…what a HUGE tool that would be to take the “snow” effect away easily when getting clouds/sky noise from the background in your pictures.  Even if the RGB range is a single value, it would be helpful to classify and then hide the rest of the point cloud to then pick points to send to the “deleted” group.

Hopefully somebody from Pix4D is reading this thread…and let’s hear from some more users too :slight_smile:

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Classification colourizing and grouping is a big deal!

Also the ability to include or exclude those groups for further processing and exporting

All this has been suggested awhile ago, Fingers crossed!

Hi guys, 

Good idea to create a feature request post! We should have one for Pix4Dcapture and Pix4Dcloud as well, feel free to create these in the User space topic as well.

@Adam: It would be nice to have an overview of the features that were asked for at the top of the post you have created. For example, we could edit your first post to summarize the current suggestions. Then, if there are updates, we can change their status to “completed” for example. This would enable to understand the current situation in a glance. I can help out for that, but if you could help too that would be great. What do you think?

Remember that when suggesting new features, the most crucial part is that we understand what the real pain point is in the workflow. Hence, the best suggestions would be those that not only give an idea of a feature, but that explain why you need it and why it is crucial to the use case you work with. This enables a deeper understanding of the issue and a better way to prioritize the suggestions. A description of the use case and pain points is therefore greatly appreciated. 

If certain suggestions need more discussion, I would suggest that a separate post is created to discuss it. The link to the separate post can be posted here to keep track of the suggestion and discussion. This is the case for the volume report suggestion for example:

EDIT: Changed the suggested location for the Pix4Dcapture and Pix4Dcloud feature request posts.

Sounds good Pierangelo, I will update the first post.

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Actually, it is a good idea to have created this feature request post in the User space topic. If you’d like to create one for Pix4Dcapture and Pix4Dcloud as well, feel free to create them in User space just like this one (instead of Image acquisition and Processing as in my previous comment). This will give a better overview of all discussions and suits the topic as it is about how to apply the software to different use cases. 

Updated thread, Pierangelo can you sticky this post please?

I don’t have much for capture or cloud so I will let somebody else start those threads.

To the top you go!

Ok for the other posts :slight_smile: Looking forward to all the feedback and explanations!

 Here are the Feature Request forums for Cloud and Capture:

Pix4D Cloud

Pix4D Capture


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Right-hand sidebar

  • Add 2D/3D angle value of polyline intersection along with other and current outputs statistical data.

Polyline intersection angles and or slope values.

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Raycloud editor

Ability to place MTP’s at polyline intersections to find other important geometric points not necessarily in cloud data.

  • Animation

Option to right-click on an animation name to get a drop-down option box with play and other functions instead of leaving the right-hand sidebar open and occupying screen real-estate during play-back.

Tool set to design, edit and modify trajectories and assign POI for more professional and appealing animations of subject matter. Basic geometries such as circles and ovals around classes / groups selected in Tie points.


Personally I find all of those tools and suggestions to be outside the scope of Pix4D and should be done in other software, but since I don’t work there to know what direction they are headed then I will put this on “the list”.  They certainly have been deviating from the core photogrammetry with other flavors of Pix4Dmapper Pro so maybe they want to be a one-stop shop like Autodesk or Bentley…I hope they don’t lose focus on the photogrammetry part.

Possibly moving far left-hand tabs (Home, Map View, rayCloud, etc) to top of workspace with drop- downs for further options / features.

These button are very large for what then do.

In Pix4d project configuration file, the ability to edit GUI fonts/colors/workspace configurations.

Yup I agree somewhat Adam.

My motivation is to get more work-flow out of Pix4D ecosystem and to fined out the direction Pix4D will take their package.

Blender, VisualSFM, Cloudcompare, Premier Pro, Meshlab, Google Earth, QGIS, AcrGIS, Autocad, and some scripts/formulas written to calculate and automate some other tasks.

Will Pix4D continue splitting CAD/GIS worlds or will it favour one over the other depending on what license we buy.

If seems to me that most of the geometries I’m asking for are already solved in this package. Just display it.


Hi everyone, I’ve created a “Product feedback” topic in the Community. This should give a dedicated space to discuss feedback on the software. For each subject, a dedicated post can be created, so that there can be a real discussion on that feedback. If we gather everything into a post like we did here, I feel there can be less discussions to really understand what is happening. 

Therefore, I suggest that we either keep this post, but that we slightly change the format. Instead of gathering all the text and feedback in here, I would suggest that we only write down links to the posts where the feedback is discussed. If you think that’s not worth it, we can also simply close it and keep discussing in the individual posts. What do you guys think? Note that this also applies to the Cloud and Pix4Dcapture feedback.