Deleting Points in the Densified Point Cloud and Reprocessing

Hi Benoit,

It is normal to get the deleted road in the orthomosaic, as the orthomosaic takes the color from the input images. (the images “see” the road). What would you expect to get in the final orthomosaic instead of the road? Would you expect a hole or a black mask over the road?

You can delete the wires in the point cloud, but they will be present in the orthomosaic as the wires exist in the images and the orthomosaic takes the color from the images.

The only thing that you could remove/delete from an orthomosaic is moving objects like cars. If there are images that do not “see” the car, you can select such an image as a planar projection and the car gets “disappeared”. For more information: how to use planar projections.

This article could also be useful: Is it possible to remove Static Objects from the Orthomosaic?

Hope it helps :slight_smile:

Thank You Cristina,

Deleting road was only a test (as bigger than wires so easier to detect in dense cloud).

Removing wire is to avoid to see them above fields.

I noticed that Planar images / projections do not preserve the geometry (they should not be used for measurements).

So i will check further to consider or not this handling.









You can remove the wires from the point cloud and work with the point cloud instead of the orthomosaic. We have many users who work directly in 3D (measurements and analysis of their data).

Let’s see if other users have a better suggestion :slight_smile:

I want to trim out unwanted areas from my dsm.


Pic 1 is my Point Cloud 

Pic 2 : After assigning unwanted points to deleted group 


I tried the same steps which others mentioned here.

But none of them are working out for me.


Pic 3 DSM which I got after 3rd Step 


I have added the the selected point cloud to deleted folder, then saved the project

Generated the 3d mesh and imported the mesh for 3rd step.

After the 3rd Step the whole area came in the project.


Is there any way to do that. because I want to map only the railway Line and its surroundings.

Thanks in Advance.


Hi Pritam,

The DSM should not take into consideration the deleted points. Just edit the point cloud, save the project and regenerate step 3.
Have you generated again step 3?

As said before, it is normal to get the deleted points in the orthomosaic, as the orthomosaic takes the color from the input images.
The DSM should discard the deleted points. Do you get problems with the DSM?

Thank you for Replying.

I Found a solution to my problem.

I actually used _ PROCESSING AREA selection tool  _ to Select the Areas which I needed.

and After processing the Unwanted Areas Removed from the DSM and Point Cloud.



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Eu enfrento o mesmo problema. Estou certo que pontos que eu já exclui estão presentes no DSM. Já editei a nuvem muitas vezes, eu já criei superfície e já refiz o passo 3. Ainda não consegui resolver. Isto é um bug?


Hola Daniel,

Has guardado el proyecto, antes de procesar el paso 3? Lo que tienes que hacer es

  1. editar la nube (eliminar puntos)
  2. guardar el proyecto
  3. reprocesar el paso 3

Déjame saber como te va :slight_smile:



Obrigado Christina.

Eu estava fazendo o seguinte:

1-Editava a nuvem

2-Salvava o projeto

3-Gerava outra malha

4-Gerava outro DTM

Vi que assim não funciona. Precisei refazer todo paço 3 como você orientou, então resolveu.

Mas porque este meu procedimento não funciona?


Hola Daniel,

Por el momento la manera que hemos desarrollado nuestro algoritmo, requiere que el paso 3 se reprocesa. Lo se que no es muy amicable y deberíamos encontrar una mejor solución :slight_smile:

Antes de reprocesar el paso 3, te recomendaria guardar el DSM y ortomosaico que ya se han generado en una otra carpeta para no sobrescribir-les.