Data lost after GCP reoptimize

Last question…you’ve marked them with the “cross” that’s well done?

Did it work after reoptimize?

Google helped to figure out the system :slight_smile:

I’m currently calibrating the images. I’ll let you know when I have reoptimized the project

I ll try it as well! Tx buddy:-)

Well…it seems it works!!! GREAT!!! Now I ll run step 2, clean the point that are unecessary, and finally generate my DSM and DTM in DXF format!


Tell me how it went when you have finished the project. I’m glad I was able to help.

Hey Jaakko, 

I’ve processed step 2 and 3 after reoptimize and everything went super smooth. Thank you so much for your help.

I’ve a last thing to ask you. I’m doing this project for an architecte who wants the DSM and DTM in DXF (tiff file as well) format to use the altitude. I’ve generate those two things using step 3 (without modification). He wants to use them in Autocad.

However, I dont have Autocad and therefore cannot verify everthing is ok. My problems come from the PDF that has been generated. I’ve attached them for you to see. Is it normal? Have I done anything wrong? They seem weird and I m worry my client wont be able to use the curve line as he wants…


Thank you for your help.

Hi there

Its seems that the elevation interval is 10 meters and that is way too big to be any usage for your architect. Change it to 1 m and generate contours again or you can ask from you architect what he wants.  Elevation interval defines the contour line elevation interval.

You can also change the resolution value. The higher the value the smoother the contour lines


Alright, I ll follow your advice :slight_smile:

Everything works fine. Thank you so much! Hope the architecte will be happy as well. I know owe you a beer :wink:

Hello Francois,
Can you forward the full quality report so we can look more into it?